sweet ’n’ sour tape #27: blessings

the sweet ’n’ sour tapes
4 min readDec 2, 2021

Count your blessings before they hatch
Count your blessings in a batch
Count your blessings when you’re mad, sad
or just not feeling rad!

The past few months have been tough for me. I’m floating between man and rat stuck in a cardboard cage. NW DC is one hell of a trap. My grandfather passed away, one of the few extended family members I got to know and love, one of the few connections to India I have, severed. Lastly, just one less great person on this earth. As the days get shorter and night looms, loneliness starts to linger and pang through my rib cage. On a good day, I’m the king of my 496 sq foot castle, and right now, I’m somewhere in between.

I don’t want to let myself sulk or feel sorry for myself because out of all the lives I could be living, I’m still living a great one. This tape is for me to remind myself of that and to count my blessings.

#1: YOU ❤

The first blessing that popped into my mind is you, guruslut. You set an excellent example for the power of mind over matter and growing for the better. I may dream of Kaizen, but you internalized it. You walk the walk better than Joe on the runway. I’m proud of you and impressed by the lane you’ve carved out for yourself. I’m excited to see where life takes you next. I need to follow that example some more and stop letting the expectations or desires of others replace my own. Thanks for setting a great example, and keep on living that good life.


The next blessing is for all the people starting to enter my life. Slowly but surely, I’m beginning to create a network of awesome humans here in DC. I’m grateful for every one of them. It’s a beautiful thing that is the beginning of friendship, and I am interested in seeing what’s in store for each relationship. Thank you to each one of them for making DC start to feel more like home.


The following blessing is for the homies from Philly that came to DC the same time I did. It made the first few months here so beautiful and welcoming. They kept me sane while I figured out what I wanted to spend my time on. Now we are all starting to develop our independent lives here, and that’s beautiful in its own way. Not to sound like a broken record, but that’s so exciting, and so many doors are about to open for each of us.


I’m blessed to be alive at this time. Writing this message to you, published on a website, stored on the internet, this all only existed for a fraction of a second in the grand scheme of human history. I’m grateful to be around for it and privileged enough to take advantage of it.


It’s a blessing to be American. We won the lottery when it comes to being born somewhere, and there is no other place that comes close. We can explore most of the world, exist in pretty safe and clean environments, be the person we want to be, and enjoy the fruits of our labor. Just because our moms gave birth to us on this soil, we can enjoy all of these privileges. It’s one hell of a thing.

#6: NW DC

I’m blessed to be in NW DC, an absolute privilege to not only be here but to shop at Whole Foods comfortably.


I’m blessed to have worked at the Apple Store. I met amazing people there, and the training made me a better person. I still have a lot of room to grow, but I am thrilled that Apple shaped some of that growth. Also, that colossal pay upgrade from Saxbys is one of the primary reasons I can live in NW DC.


I’m blessed for my family. My mom and dad sacrificed their lives to give my brother a better one and me. My generous parents helped me pay for my education, even if it would have been easier for them to have me call Sallie Mae. My righteous mother, whose own internal journey for growth, has always inspired mine. My curious father, whose interest in the world is the foundation my curiosity is built on. Grateful for Rishi, always been more of an equal than a little brother. Who probably teaches me just as much as I teach him. That being said, I’m glad to see him start to develop more as a person.


Improv was such a fun experience, and I met some great people through it. I recommend taking some random classes for fun, especially with you and your girl. It’s a great time and a great way to meet new people. I hope the connections from Improv will last longer than the class, and I will carry some of the life skills with me.


I’m blessed for all the people who enter my life and those that have exited. I’m grateful for their gravity, their nudges, and pushes into whatever direction I’m going in. I’m so eternally grateful for everyone and the lessons that they have shown me. Hopefully, I could share something back.

