Politically Correct Pandemics Matter Too

Talkin’ ‘bout my generations

Lee Serpa Azevado
The Swipe


Our society now finds itself in somewhat of a sorry state of affairs. Millennials haven’t felt this suicidal since Zayn Malik departed One Direction, our beloved elderly haven’t been killed off this much since World War Two, Baby Boomers haven’t complained this much since, well, since yesterday and the cultural misfits that are Generation Xers haven’t spent this much time sitting at home smoking weed since the 1990s. All in all, each of us is paying the price for this pandemic. Actually, is it just me or does anyone else think some Millennials walk around like they rent the place?

I know what you’re thinking — “Lee, what should we call the next generation to come?”

Well, apart from fucked I say we name those born just before Covid as ‘pre-Quaranteenies’ and name those born just after Covid as ‘Post-Coronials’. At the risk of coming across as condescending — by the way, that means talking down to people — ‘pre’ means before and ‘post’ means after and to use both at the same time would be, well, preposterous.



Lee Serpa Azevado
The Swipe

Scribbler of stuff, psychotherapist, giant punsexual, pronouns: fee-fie/foe-fum. Mental health(y), humo(u)r, politic(k)s and other such no(n)sense.