The Bubonic Plague, the Flu and the Coronavirus Walk Into a Bar

Is this some kind of sick joke?

Lee Serpa Azevado
The Swipe
Published in
4 min readMar 30, 2021


Photo by Ern Gan on Unsplash

Who’d of thought a Chinese-made virus could almost overwhelm our society, very nearly bring the world to its knees and overly influence far too many of us to act like absolute fucking idiots, but hey, it’s not all Tik-Tok’s fault you know, there are plenty of other places online for people to be revered for the most irresponsible of role-modelling, applauded for the most abhorrent of antics and praised for the most preposterous of problem-solving skills, but hey, what the hell do I know about social media? When I first found out Facebook takes ownership of all content on their platform I started uploading my unpaid utility bills. To be honest, I’d love to start an anti social-media platform, but knowing my luck it probably wouldn’t go anywhere.

Now, as much as managing an outbreak of coronavirus on an acute psychiatric admissions ward at the arse-end of a year-long stint as a frontline nurse — come clinical team leader, come part-time behavioural therapist, come full-time fucking idiot — is far from the most ideal start to anyone’s week, at times such shenanigans can pale into comparison when it comes to navigating one’s way through a cultural civil war, a war where…



Lee Serpa Azevado
The Swipe

Scribbler of stuff, psychotherapist, giant punsexual, pronouns: fee-fie/foe-fum. Mental health(y), humo(u)r, politic(k)s and other such no(n)sense.