Learning Lambda

Mike Roberts
The Symphonium
Published in
2 min readNov 9, 2017

Learning Lambda is an ongoing series of articles that give you a deep dive into programming on the AWS Lambda Platform. We start from first principles, and we explain what is going on in the Lambda environment as we proceed. The aim of the series is not to give you cookie cutter examples but instead to give you a thorough understanding of the Platform and programming model so that you’ll have confidence building your own Lambda applications.

In this series we use Java (and its JVM) as our development language, but Lambda natively supports several other languages too. We won’t be using any complicated aspects of the Java language, so most developers will be able to follow along. Occasionally we’ll dip into Java and/or JVM specifics, but they’ll be the exception rather than the norm.

9 parts of Learning Lambda have currently been written. Most of them build on top of each other, but if you already have some experience with Lambda you should feel free to jump right into a topic you have some specific interest in.

  • Part 1 — Learn what Serverless and Lambda are, and set up your environment for the rest of the course
  • Part 2 — Write, deploy, and test, the HelloWorld of Lambda
  • Part 3 — the lifecycle of a Lambda function, logging, and a Lambda’s environment
  • Part 4 — Input, Output and Context
  • Part 5 — Command Line Tooling
  • Part 6 — Invocation — different ways to invoke Lambdas, and tying them to event sources
  • Part 7 — Error Handling
  • Part 8 — Cold Starts
  • Part 9 — Scaling and State

There are a few more parts still to come at a future date.

Keep up to date with further progress at https://blog.symphonia.io/ and our twitter, or subscribe to our newsletter.



Mike Roberts
The Symphonium

British-American living in Brooklyn, NY. Consultant / tech manager / architect with Opinions. Co-founder of @symphoniacloud . http://mikebroberts.com .