Some new Serverless Architecture videos from John and Mike

The Symphonium
Published in
1 min readAug 20, 2019

Hi everyone. It’s been a great, fascinating, and busy 2019 for John and I (Mike) at Symphonia. You’ll probably be able to tell that we haven’t had too much spare time because of the lack of updates around these parts!

We’ve made it to a few conferences though around the globe, from California to Hungary, and places in between. Here are some videos of our talks from them.

First up is my talk on “Crossing the Serverless Fireswamp” — which helps you understand the limitations of a serverless approach, and learn a practical set of techniques for dealing with them.

Next up is John, who took his talk “Building Resilient Serverless Systems” to QCon London. In this talk you’ll learn how to use serverless technologies and an infrastructure-as-code approach to architect, build, and operate large-scale systems that are resilient to vendor failures, even while taking advantage of fully managed vendor services and platforms. Ever wanted to know how to deploy serverless apps easily and around the planet? This talk has you covered.

And from me again : “Serverless Architecture Patterns: The Awkward Early Years”. This talk explains some patterns, or “common solutions to recurring problems,” that we’re starting to see in the Serverless community — from architecture, through development, to operations.

Enjoy! And if you have any questions, then drop us a line at .



The Symphonium

Serverless and Cloud Technology Consultancy based in NYC. Co-founders @johnchapin and @mikebroberts .