Symphonia’s Serverless Insights — March 2018

The Symphonium
Published in
3 min readMar 13, 2018

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Hello everyone, and welcome to the first Symphonia Serverless Insights of 2018! We will start by apologizing, most profusely, for the delay in this edition. We have been, to coin a phrase from Mike’s homeland, ‘jolly busy’, over the last few months, but it’s good to be able to take a step back for a minute and look at the ever growing Serverless Forest from our usual spot among the trees. And of course, if you’re interested in getting some help in April or May for architecture review, DevSecCostOps (™) , or building a Lambda-backed proof-of-concept, then drop us a line.

News from the Serverless World

A new year brings a promise of growth. The biggest change that your editor (Mike) sees from a year ago is the mind-boggling number of Serverless conferences, and Serverless tracks at other conferences, that now exist. While we’ve not reached Stadium Rock proportions of events yet, we’ve lost count of how many get-togethers now exist for our not-so-niche industry.

Already this year we’ve had the latest Serverless Conf from A Cloud Guru, which happened in the same week and on the same continent as the final Jeff Conf. As I said on Twitter, like any good Serverless service, European Serverless conferences are apparently Highly Available. *ahem* I say ‘final’ Jeff Conf since it is metamorphosing into Serverless Days. Which is a deliberately picked metaphor given all the wonderful art they have. DevOpsDays has been a great resource for the DevOps community, and we wish the Serverless Days folk all the best for building a great global community of local conferences.

OK, on to some juicy articles. Here’s one from the tool vendor Signal FX talking about how to use their product with Lambda.

A vendor in a similar space, New Relic, produced their State of Serverless report late last year. While there’s some bias here considering the type of customer New Relic has, this is still some interesting reading.

And finally, while some people claim that Serverless doesn’t work for the enterprise, Capital One are busy migrating their regulated financial applications from a mainframe to AWS Lambda. Just saying. Read more about it in this great article from Srini Uppalapati .

News from the Symphonia World

Picking up the thread about conferences, we’ve both been speaking already this year. Mike was at NDC London (see his talk on “Serverless — the brief past, the bewildering present, and the beautiful future” here, with resources here), and John was with our friends from O’Reilly at the latest NYC Software Architecture Conference giving a talk on “Mostly Serverless” and a tutorial covering “Continuous Delivery in an Ephemeral World”. Last week, John was in London speaking at QCon on “Serverless and Java in the Real World”. See our complete speaking schedule here.

If you’re looking for training we have several tutorials and workshops on the calendar. If you’re interested in any of these and want more details please contact us:

That last workshop is part of O’Reilly’s Velocity conference and I (Mike) am thrilled to be hosting, and speaking in, a great Serverless track that will also be happening that week. I hope to see some of you there.

One more thing

I can’t help it, I love puns. But Corey ‘Last Week in AWS’ Quinn put my punnery to shame recently. Watch this and weep. With joy or pain, it will be one of the two.

Closing out

Thanks for reading our latest newsletter, and we trust you found something useful here. Or at least moderately amusing. We continue to enjoy your suggestions for improvements and additions for future issues.

Our mission at Symphonia is to improve the effectiveness of organizations through Serverless, DevOps, and related practices and philosophies. Drop us a line at to chat about how we might help you, or just to share ideas how the Cloud is helping your team, and your business.

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The Symphonium

Serverless and Cloud Technology Consultancy based in NYC. Co-founders @johnchapin and @mikebroberts .