Start over again on writing! Welcome.

Sandy's Journal
The Symphony of Minds
2 min readJul 30, 2023


Image fr Freepik

Hi Medium and maybe this is the first story I made here. Starting raw, naked and brave, I decided to start writing again. I should back again earlier, I just left behind one of my gift or skill on writing a story, not everyone starting writing on his 9–10 years old.

I start to write online with Blogspot back then, I will embed my old blog maybe on the next story. Long story short, I find it enjoyable and exciting when there were an essay or paper work at my college time. Most of my friend also knew that I’m good at it. Sure, but now I’m feeling left behind, since copywriting and professional writing are one of top freelance or high paid job.

I realize that, I must learn much things in this modern era, which AI also can write. But, I’m a psychology major graduate, I’m confident that human touch on writing are the things that authentic and magical, because people read to feel the emotion, to understand the thought inside the story or to find beautiful meaning inside the symphony of words. Yes, that was my old blog name, The Symphony of Words.

Hope, the reader can find the beautiful, deep and authentic experience within my writings.

See ya!



Sandy's Journal
The Symphony of Minds

Hope you find the beautiful, deep, insightful and authentic experience within my writings