Upgrading UniFi controller from v2.4.6

The Sysadmin
Published in
2 min readSep 11, 2015

I decided to upgrade my UniFi Controller to the new version 4.6.6. I run apt-get update && apt-get upgrade but, after the installation… OMG! Can’t log in the web interface :S

Let’s see the logs:

[2015–09–11 09:58:56,157] <unifi-monitor> INFO launcher — service_loop()
[2015–09–11 09:58:58,154] <launcher> INFO db — DB version (2.4.6) different from Runtime Version(4.6.6), migrating…
[2015–09–11 09:58:58,159] <launcher> FATAL db —
We do not support upgrading from 2.4.6. Please downgrade to V3, migrate db and upgrade back again to 4.6.6.
[2015–09–11 09:58:59,505] <discover> INFO dev — [Internal] incomplete device information received

Ok, now I know why it’s not working. Let’s fix that!

Download and install UniFi 3.2.10

UniFi repos changed recently and it wasn’t easy to find old DEB packages. But finally, playing with some URLS, I’ve found it!

wget www.ubnt.com/downloads/unifi/3.2.10/unifi_sysvinit_all.deb
dpkg -i unifi_*.deb

Try to log in http://your-ip-address:8443

It works! So now yes, let’s try to upgrade it to the last stable version: 4.6.6

apt-get update && apt-get upgrade

In the logs I see:

[2015–09–11 10:23:52,073] <launcher> INFO db — DB version (3.2.10) different from Runtime Version(4.6.6), migrating…
[2015–09–11 10:24:04,865] <launcher> INFO db — DB
migration to version (4.6.6) is complete.

Yehaa! I can log in and everything works well!

