Mayor’s Message: “It’s great to live in this country”

The Tabernacle Sun
Published in
2 min readJun 6, 2012

“It was the biggest and most well-attended in the 13 years I have been going, and I heard the same sentiment echoed by many others as well.”

For the 300 plus spectators at our annual Memorial Day Parade recently, you know what this resident was talking about. Grand marshal Colonel Gene Ingrao’s moving speech set the tone as we honored those who have served in our Armed Forces. One float, from the Goldy family, spoke to their military heritage and an ancestor who served on the U.S.S. Constitution. Decorated bicycles, Scouts and even a sprinkle of Tabernacle Athletic Association (TAA) ball players joined us.

Mother Nature was again kind and opened a window of bright sunshine long enough for us to complete our activity.

Fire trucks, emergency medical services vehicles and even a Model “A” Ford truck strutted their polished and waxed exteriors. Booming rifle salutes at the cemetery and town hall shook us as we thought about those who have preserved the precious freedoms we all experience.

Having visited more than 15 foreign countries, I can tell you firsthand how wonderful it is to be able to express our thoughts on any topic and not fear that there will be retaliation for what we say.

It is not the case in so many other world locales.

It reminds me of our township committee meetings. At the close of business, we open the meeting and invite anyone present to comment on any topic. If you want to lament about Philadelphia Phillies pitcher Doc Halladay and his injury, go ahead. If you want to ask why the TAA does not participate more in our parade ask us (we would tell you we are hard at work on this and expect more participation next year). Or if you would like to thank us for the snow removal program, brush pick up or road improvement plan, just speak. And yes, we still listen to citizens commenting about the lack of a leaf removal program.

It’s great to live in this country.

In other Township news, we continue to move forward with the grant we received to build a new refreshment stand at the Patty Bowker Road complex. You may recall the county awarded us $250,000 to construct a new building as well as a new septic system. TAA volunteers will provide much of the labor after a block foundation has been constructed. A request for proposals is now active and we hope to award a contract for this work in the very near future.

And finally, please contact me at with any comments or questions you might have. Or bring them to the next township committee meeting at town hall on June 11 at 7:30 p.m.

-Mayor Richard Franzen

