State troopers to take on seniors from Seneca in charity basketball game

Proceeds from May 8 game will be donated to Prom House 110 Carranza

Chris Franklin
The Tabernacle Sun
1 min readApr 26, 2017


State Troopers from the Red Lion barracks will take on the Seneca Golden Eagles Seniors Monday, May 8, at Seneca High School. The Seneca Student Council is sponsoring the event. The Red Lion State Troopers will be joining forces with the Seneca family for an entertaining evening of basketball and community team building. There will be a K-9 halftime show and half-court shot scholarship opportunity for seniors. All proceeds will be donated to Prom House 110 Carranza, the after-prom lock-in for seniors and their dates. Don’t miss this evening of fun and friendly competition. Admission is $3 for adults and $2 for students. For any questions, send an email to

