The adventure begins here for boy scouts in Tabernacle

The Tabernacle Sun
Published in
2 min readJun 26, 2015

It was another fantastic night of Cub Scout fun on June 8 and the final Pack 439 meeting of the 2014–2015 year. Held at Pine Tree Hill Camp off Brace Road, the setting was perfect for campfires, stories and s’mores!

Our brave scouts worked together with their dens to put on skits, figure out a good scout cheer and find a song for sing along. They performed in front of all the other scouts and parents and did so with no fear and lots of laughs and smiles. Pack Master Keith Zane and Wolf Den Leader Joe Giafaglione told stories that made the group shiver and giggle. Many of our scouts earned awards and belt loops. There was so much bling on all the belts from the great learning and adventure filled meetings. Many of our scouts progressed to the next level for the fall and we have a great group of new Tigers coming in.

There are still plenty or spots open in this growing and very active pack for boys going into first grade through fifth grade. We are currently looking to fill our Webelos one den with active fourth graders. So check out the website ( for more information on how to join in the fun and remember, the adventure begins here.

