Live Online Training: 4 Tips to Maximize Your Sessions for B2B SaaS Platforms

Engage Your Audience More Effectively

Songtham Tung
The TAM Playbook


As a B2B SaaS platform, how might we drive more platform adoption and decrease support ticket volume? One way to effectively do this is through live online training.

Some examples of training sessions can include, but are not limited to

  • onboarding new users
  • new feature releases
  • reviewing product usage with current users

Providing engaging live training sessions for users is vital for setting clients up for success when utilizing your platform. Moreover, we can use this time to learn more about their use cases which can translate into reusable features for other clients. It is also a good opportunity to hear opinion about the platform from a fresh pair of eyes. This keeps us close to actual users which can provide invaluable product feedback that we can pass on to the larger team.

As someone who has conducted numerous live online training for B2B SaaS platforms, here are 4 tips you can implement to execute a successful session.

1. Proper planning prevents poor performance



Songtham Tung
The TAM Playbook

Technical Account Manager | 1M+ Reads | 🇺🇸🇹🇭