What’s a Technical Account Manager (TAM)?

And what do they do?

Songtham Tung
The TAM Playbook


What’s a TAM?

A Technical Account Manager or TAM is a client facing role that works closely with customers to help them use the product to meet their business goals. The key words here are product and customers. TAMs are like the bridge between the two and are generally responsible for keeping clients happy and engaged which in turn leads to an increase in business retention.

Internally, TAMs are the voice of the customer and are expected to know their use cases. Externally, TAMs are product experts and should be able to recommend best practices to meet customer requirements.

While there is an account management aspect to this role, it is less of making sales and more so of ensuring client success. That is to say, TAMs are not focused on finding new clients, but rather, servicing existing ones. Nevertheless, plenty of revenue opportunities do exist with current customers since TAMs act as a key partner to various stakeholders so they are in a unique position to understand and cater to their needs and expectations.

As the job title implies, there is a technical part (hard skills) and an account management part (soft skills) to this role.

Hard skills



Songtham Tung
The TAM Playbook

Technical Account Manager | 1M+ Reads | 🇺🇸🇹🇭