About The Tao of Polyglot

Victor Oliveira
The Tao of Polyglot
1 min readJan 14, 2018

The process of learning a language is, more often than not, a long, in a way arduous, one. For that reason, and many others, I’m writing this blog. To share with all of you the experiences, hardships and accomplishments I find and achieve throughout my path to become a polyglot.

As for the word choice (“tao”, to be precise), I’m a huge fan of East Asian languages and cultures. I would also define myself as being a taoist, as of now at least.

So, if you’re a language enthusiast, like me, or a language expert this is the place for you. A place where we can share our experiences and help each other.

Feel free to navigate through this series and read the stories that most fit your interests!

