Rev. Nadine Morsch
The Tarot+Poetry Archives
1 min readDec 3, 2020

Or, Yoda Thinks You Can Do It

a tarot+poem by The Bootleg Bodhisattva

Photo by Evgeni Tcherkasski on Unsplash

cultivating your own deep inbetweenness

your guides poke your face, giggling

tugging at your hands, your clothes

a constant light in a dark world

Ekstatis revealed by your intuition

the sands of your experience tempered,

crafted into bright, swirling, beautiful glass

Ta’Om the Poet watches your skill with amazement

whispering encouragement in synchronistic messages

Honest soul

the Singers of Courage are with you

As an American President once said,

“Courage is not the absence of fear,

Courage is the decision that something else

is more important than fear.”

your garden harvest burgeons, spilling over

brimming with the fruit of lessons

some bright

some dark

each with their purpose

each with their place

each with infinite value

the reversed sun sets only to rise again

the king of coins doesn’t fear the darkness

checking in with your alignment

checking in with your guides

cheerfully coasting beyond drama

some cups spill, that’s only natural

illuminate the dark night with your bright torch

which can light an infinite number of other torches

without ever being diminished for even one moment



Rev. Nadine Morsch
The Tarot+Poetry Archives

Mystic Wellness for the Moderately Wicked in the Modern World! "Rascal Guru" Rev. Nadine Morsch is The Bootleg Bodhisattva https://linktr.ee/BootlegBodhisattva