Rev. Nadine Morsch
The Tarot+Poetry Archives
1 min readDec 3, 2020

a tarot+poem by The Bootleg Bodhisattva

Photo by Evgeni Tcherkasski on Unsplash

The Fee Lion peers around stacks of dusty books,

doleful, accusatory, disappointed in your Honesty,

as your newly discovered resonance reaches out,

sparkling in eternal stars, spilling over ancient fingers,

offered to you in the smiling hands of the Faerie Godmother.

you are brimming with shimmering gifts

to be used in the service of your highest joy

through unbinding your spirit’s ecstasy, Ekstasis

from the gnawing expectations of others.

though we know there are no Others, even still

your boundaries are sacred and uttered in love,

refilling your chalice with the sacred water of will,

singing out the truth of your heart with fiery courage,

the sun and moon within you, swirling in eternal balance.

Undressing a Salad is as impossible as your wings,

and yet you’ve emerged new from your chrysalis

soaring up to undiscovered heights, unwilling to be chained

to anything in this world except a bright, living purpose.



Rev. Nadine Morsch
The Tarot+Poetry Archives

Mystic Wellness for the Moderately Wicked in the Modern World! "Rascal Guru" Rev. Nadine Morsch is The Bootleg Bodhisattva