a Tarot+Poem by The Bootleg Bodhisattva

Photo by Ty Koh on Unsplash

many a mickle make a muckle

you & Geeeeeooo already know

dancing into spirit every day

singing connection with the Singer

Within the Singer

Without the Singer

a chorus of friends uniting

all your brightest dreams

& darkest desires

Gawtcha peeks from behind gaped fingers


it’s neither good nor bad

it’s just a surprise

the Faery Godmother waits

hands outstretched

brimming with forgotten thrift store treasures

overlooked by expectation’s eyes

delight abounds in the doorway

just beyond what is Known



Rev. Nadine Morsch
The Tarot+Poetry Archives

Mystic Wellness for the Moderately Wicked in the Modern World! "Rascal Guru" Rev. Nadine Morsch is The Bootleg Bodhisattva