“Transcending the History of Cha”
Creating a Future Tea Ceremony.

Published in
3 min readAug 20, 2016

About 500 years ago, at the period when Sen no Rikyu* lived, Cha no Yu (tea ceremony) was the cutting edge and avant-garde at the time. Everyone competed to create tea utensils and tea-huts, which reflect their value and beauty, to create and innovate a new definition of beauty.

“Space” which is perfectly thought out with elaborated design.
The best of the “bowls” and “sweets” are chosen just for the day.
Delicate subtleties of the host, breath taking in his every move.
Tranquility catches even a little subtleties of mind.

Cha no Yu is not only about drinking tea.
Cha no Yu, one of the Fine Arts of Japan, consists of garden, architecture, painting, calligraphy, incense, flowers, sound, bowl, food, cloth and ritual.
What kind of tea would Sen no Rikyu make if he was alive today?

The Tea-Room explores the innovation of the tea culture, and at the same time, continues to share the Japanese sense of beauty and the framework with the world.

*Sen no Rikyu lived in Sengoku Era, Azuchi-Momoyama period (the 1500s).
He represents as the Japanese great tea master, and also known for innovator and perfecter of wabi-cha (Soan tea). He is often referred as “Chasei” which means Tea saint.


- Souryou Matsumura (Japanese Tea Master):
The owner of tea-house, SHUHALLY. Having exposed to a foreign culture, as a student traveling around Europe, he rediscovered and became aware of his culture. After his return from Europe, he began to do tea ceremony. Then he started a project “SHUHALLY” which is to introduce the best of Japanese culture “Cha no Yu” (tea ceremony) to the wider audience, and for them to learn Japanese traditional culture, as well as making it more accessible. “Let Cha no Yu break free and make it fun!” as his motto, with his respect towards the old tradition, and he works to promote the tradition in creative ways.

- Fumihiko Sano (Architect/ Artist):
Born in Nara Prefecture in 1981. He entered Nakamura Sotoji Komuten (Engineering Firm) in Kyoto as an apprentice of the master carpenter of the sukiya style of buildings. After working for other design firms, he founded the Fumihiko Sano studio PHENOMENON in 2011. As its carpenter, he works on design and installation, aiming to create a new sense of value in Japan by integrating a contemporary feeling with his experience of interacting with techniques, materials, culture and others on building sites.

2014 ELLEDECOR Young Japanese Talented Designer Award
2016 14th Japan Cultural Envoys Agency for Cultural Affairs

- Riyoo Kim (Ceramist):
With Japanese father and Korean mother, he was born in Osaka. He earned his master degree from the Osaka University of Arts graduate school in 2006. He is one of the emerging artists representing contemporary Japanese ceramists. He has shown his unique works not only within the ceramists’ circle, but also participated the significant contemporary art festival in Japan “Yokohama Triennale 2011”, and curated “ARTs of JOMON” in NY with support from Aomori prefectural government, NPO jomonism. His work has been highly recognized while he actively submits his works to competitions and exhibitions both nationally and internationally such as Korea, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, France, USA, and Singapore.

- Shiho Sakamoto (Japanese confectionery artist):
She supervises and produces order-made Japanese sweets “Wagashi” as work of art. She organizes Japanese sweets making classes and workshops in Japan as well as overseas. In 2014, she supervised Wagashi for the Manga “Heugemono” tea ceremony. On behalf of Japan, she exhibited, lectured and gave a workshop on Japanese sweets at the “World Tea Forum 2015”. In 2016, she was responsible for sweets at a tea ceremony held at the Prime Minister’s official residence which was hosted by the first lady of the Japanese Prime Minister, Mrs. Akie Abe.




The TEA-ROOM is a Tokyo-based art collective, which creates a future tea ceremony.