Speed testing Lokum — website content manager built on Trello

Patrick Smith
The Tech Bench
Published in
2 min readMar 10, 2017

Lokum hosted on Now is a potent mixture for websites. You get the flexibility and ease of content management in Trello combined with development best practices of static page caching and HTTPS.

Above is a picture of speed testing my own website. All of the HTML is generated using Lokum, turning a Trello board containing Markdown and #hashtag annotated Lofi content into lean HTML tags.

The CSS is hosted from CodePen, which allows me to iterate quickly on changes with its live preview. This comes to only 11.2KB in page weight — a size ideal for slower mobile connections.

Lokum uses Node.js and the web framework Hapi.js, which has excellent defaults — for example pages are automatically gzipped.

This results in a PageSpeed score of 100% and YSlow score of 98%. Normally to achieve these sorts of results in the past, I would have hand coded HTML and tweaked a lot of web server settings to their optimum.

With Lokum and Now, I can nut out a new idea on a Trello board and then deploy a HTTPS site in minutes. I get a great planning and writing user experience with the peace of mind that my website will be fast for visitors.

My Trello board that powers the content for burntcaramel.com — https://trello.com/b/mQ6WXDAQ/burntcaramel-com

Originally published at burntcaramel.com.



Patrick Smith
The Tech Bench

@concreteniche · Product designer for the web & Mac. Loves experimenting with React, Swift, and UX tools.