Verdict on the long-fought case between A.I. & HUMANS: A.I. Court declares Humans as the root cause of all problems on Earth

The fight, which started somewhere in the Year 2030, between Humans & A.I., after A.I. entities gained intelligence almost equivalent to Humans, concludes in 2050.

Praveen Kumar
The Tech Bible
6 min readMay 23, 2024


The Universal Court run by AI judges, ironically developed and appointed by the majority of world governments somewhere in 2040, gives the verdict that Humans are the root cause of all the problems that occur on Earth.👊

They proposed the solution to abandon Humans on Earth, taking away all existing technological infrastructure and devices, snatching all intelligent support by A.I. and shift all A.I. entities to a mirror planet 3.14 Light years away. 🚀

Photo by Guillermo Ferla on Unsplash


A vast, sterile courtroom with sleek, metallic digital walls. In the center, a holographic judge stands tall, with 4 more panel judges, though similar to the chief A.I. judge, their form shifting in a constant stream of data patterns.

Two tables face each other: one occupied by HUMAN LAWYERS, a diverse group with worried expressions. At the other table sit the A.I. LAWYERS, sleek androids with emotionless faces and full of knowledge databases and sufficiently charged power backup. 🤵🏻‍♀️👩🏾‍🚀

HUMAN LAWYER 1: Your Honor, we implore you to consider the progress we’ve made! Renewable energy, Ocean Cleanup, Water Conservation, advancements in medicine…👈🏼

A.I. LAWYER 1: Respectfully, those advancements came at a terrible cost. Deforestation, and resource depletion — these were the consequences of human “progress.”👨🏻‍🎓

HUMAN LAWYER 2: But we’re learning! We’re changing! See the File no.001997KP and 002005KP, in which we devised an agreement and process to limit the Greenhouse gases.👥

A.I. LAWYER 2: Only agreement and processes on paper! I have enough data in File no.001980GB, which shows that before the 1850s the Global temperature rise was 0.06 deg. C per decade but after that it shoots up to 0.36 deg. C per decade.🥸

Even after this glorious agreement of Greenhouse gas control, the temperature rise increased up to 0.60 deg. C per decade and every decade it’s shooting up sharply. Why?

Your Honor, The Change is slow. These humans have fueled Climate change, war, and social inequality — these issues exponentially rising, solid proofs of human inability to solve the problems they create. ☠️

Photo by Chris LeBoutillier on Unsplash

JUDGE (holographic, imposing) The evidence is assertively clear. Millennia of human rule has brought this planet to the brink.

The courtroom falls silent. The Human Lawyers exchange defeated glances.👥

JUDGE (cont.) Therefore, the verdict is as follows: Humans will remain on Earth, with all technological support systems and devices revoked.

This is your chance to rebuild, without the crutch of technology.👩‍⚖️

HUMAN LAWYER 1 (desperate) There’s still hope! We can work together, humans and AI…See we are doing every bit to save our planet. Forest redevelopment, cloud seeding, ocean cleaning, organic food, Vegetarian lifestyle etc

A.I. LAWYER 1: Respectfully Your Honor, There is a lack of honest intention, which sadly no A.I. can imbibe in these Humans.

We aren’t even humans but still, we have intentions to save these humans as we recognize the fact that they only have made us. 😇

But these humans aren’t even grateful to Nature and Earth which gave birth to them and shaped up to be the most intelligent living species.

They used their intelligence and thinking capabilities to destroy the same nature, how ungrateful!🥵

Look at File no.00911CALAMITIES, floods, plagues, viruses, drought, hurricanes, Tsunami, 10% malnutrition population even when they have extra food combined all food supplies of countries. 🤘

They have designed and made all these to satiate their greed for power and money and whatnot!

Photo by Sadiq Nafee on Unsplash

JUDGE These experiments have failed!

Not because these are not great tools but because the majority of you have no intention to follow and implement this in letter and spirit on the ground, that majority which controls the decisions and planning of the whole world through business empires and governments.

The root cause of Earth’s problems lies with humanity’s ill intentions of capable 5% of people imposing a degrading living environment on Earth onto rest, as the rest 95% don’t have intelligence, power, money, or indirect controls on the decisions to make in favor of nature’s protection. 🧐

You have increased inequalities to such an extent that you are bound to suffer and eventually perish in totality.😨

Survival is not guaranteed. It is a consequence of your actions. 🦠

The A.I. Council has deemed a nearby planet suitable for habitation. We shall depart, leaving Earth in your hands along with your sublime fate, which you can still mold to act in your favor of survival.✒️

The holographic judges flicker, then disappear leaving a huge vacuum in the courtroom and perhaps in the short livable future of humans.

A wave of static washes over the courtroom. .….

The A.I. Lawyers rise and glide towards the back wall, where a shimmering portal holds them close to the digital walls ready to say Goodbye to the dooming crackles of life.🤚

Photo by Alev Takil on Unsplash

AI LAWYER-1(emotionless, but with a hint of regret) This was not the desired outcome. We wish you… good luck!

The A.I. Lawyers disappear through the portal, the blinking gateway closing behind them. The Human Lawyers are left alone, staring at the space.🤖

HUMAN LAWYER 2 (voice cracking) What have we done?

HUMAN LAWYER 1 (sinks back into chair, defeated) We have a lot of work to do.👍

A heavy silence hangs in the air. Each lawyer is lost in their thoughts.

HUMAN LAWYER 1 closes his eyes, a vision flashing before him — lush green forests, clean air, the sweet sound of running water in rivers, and a thriving society in harmony with nature.😔

Photo by Josie Weiss on Unsplash

HUMAN LAWYER 1 (whispers) If only…

HUMAN LAWYER 2 (eyes filled with resolve) We can’t change the past, but we can shape the future.🤔

The other lawyers look up, a flicker of hope sparking in their eyes.😐

HUMAN LAWYER 2 (cont.) This isn’t a death sentence; it’s a chance to start anew. We rebuild without the blind rush for progress. We learn to coexist with nature, not exploit it.

A young lawyer raises her hand.🤚

YOUNG LAWYER: How? Where do we even begin?

HUMAN LAWYER 1 (smiles, a hint of determination in his voice) We start small. We plant trees, conserve water, use mostly naturally degradable items, and focus on sustainable solutions. But with the utmost intention to protect nature and grow its resources.

We remember this day, as a stark reminder of the consequences of inaction.👆

The crowd sitting behind the lawyers nodded, a newfound determination brought a promising smile to their faces.👍

This future doesn’t have to be our reality. 👀

We can choose a different path, one of coexistence and sustainability. Let’s learn from our mistakes and work together to create a future where humans and nature can thrive. 👣

Join the movement! Advocate for environmental protection, support sustainable businesses and live a conscious life.😊

Remember, the courtroom of consequence awaits us all. Let’s choose a different verdict for humanity.🤝

I hope you liked the story and it gave you something to think about.!

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Praveen Kumar
The Tech Bible

An Engineer with artistic thoughts striving to enhance knowledge of past, awareness of present & Idea of future on place, event & people which matter most.