#4 — The Tech Lead

The Tech Lead is a weekly newsletter on software, product & leadership. Featuring hand-picked articles for senior developers, tech leads, product managers, and more.

Meriam Kharbat
The Tech Lead
3 min readJun 7, 2020


Hey Reader,

I have to admit that I found it challenging to focus on reading tech-related news in the last couple of weeks. Software and technology can seem quite meaningless in times of suffering and injustice. However, there is a lot to be fixed in our industry alone, from striving for more diversity and inclusion in the workplace to considering the real impact that our tech platforms have.

If I could recommend only one read, it would be this article by Jowanza Joseph, a fellow software engineer, where he sums up what it’s like to be black and how small acts of racism have shaped his daily life.

I hope you’re well and safe.


Mildred Thompson, Magnetic Fields, 1991, oil on canvas. Art and photo © The Mildred Thompson Estate, Atlanta, Georgia. Courtesy Galerie Lelong & Co., New York


There Are No Bugs, Just TODOs

Lukas Linhart (Almad) * 8 min

In this essay, Almad describes his frustration with modern issue tracking software. Among other things, issue trackers are feature-bloated and have been optimized for you to spend as much time as possible using the product instead of enabling you to do your job. Alternatively, he proposes what features a proper issue tracking software, AKA a TODO list, should have.


Why Check-in meetings are a waste of time? (Video)

Jason Fried * 2 min

If you have a one-hour meeting with five people, that’s actually a five-hour meeting. According to Jason Fried, CEO of Basecamp, check-in meetings are a waste of time and money. You’re interrupting people for a meeting that could have been a written message on Slack or Basecamp.

Open Source

How we raised $3M for an open-source project

The PostHog Team * 25 min

As Nadia Eghbal wrote time and time again, It’s challenging to get funding for open-source projects. In this blog post, the team behind PostHog (a tool that analyzes events and user behavior in your mobile or web app) explains how they raised $3M for an open-source project.


When frontend means full stack

Chris Coyier * 10 min

In this essay, @chriscoyier creator of CSS-Tricks reflects on the evolution of the frontend developer’s responsibilities. It’s not enough to be proficient in HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Being a frontend developer today requires an ever-larger collection of skills.

What I Wrote

How Often Are You Fixing Complex Merge Conflicts?

Medium * 4 min

If you find yourself fixing merge conflicts too often, this article lists some possible root causes: coding style, non protected branches, or tightly coupled architecture.

How to Deal With a Tech Lead Who Doesn’t Give You Enough Feedback

Medium * 4 min

Ask for feedback and be specific about what types of feedback you expect. If that doesn’t work, experiment with self-evaluation and ask your colleagues.


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Originally published at https://thetechlead.substack.com.



Meriam Kharbat
The Tech Lead

Senior Software Engineer @fieldintel prev. @crateio | Columnist @BuiltInChicago | Curating https://thetechlead.substack.com |Email me at kharbatmeriam@gmail.com