One Year Later…Still Rocking The iPad as My Main Computer, But Changes Had To Be Made

Johanna Romero
The Techie Savvy Mom
4 min readApr 10, 2017

A year ago I wrote an article about how a financial situation left me no choice but to resort to the iPad as my main computer. Fast forward to April, and I can happily report that I still haven’t found the need to purchase a full blown laptop or desktop and am still using iPad as my main computing device…albeit with some adjustments made along the way.

Back in March 2016, when I embarked on this journey to switch my entire workflow from MacOS to iOS, I was using a 12.9" iPad Pro with a Logitech Create Keyboard case. This setup worked great for a while as I loved the “clicky” feel of the keyboard and the screen size of the large iPad. It later became very obvious to me that such luxuries come at a price. I found that carrying the iPad all the time in my bag was really REALLY hurting my back and shoulders. It wasn’t helping that the keyboard case added even more bulk to it and made it quite a heavy item to lug around everywhere. My daughter had even at one point try to pick up my bag and drop it from how much it weighed. It was obvious I couldn’t carry on that way.

My next step was to shed some of the weight with a lighter keyboard, so I put away the Logitech one and purchased an Apple Smart Keyboard. This setup worked for a little while, but I found that I wasn’t comfortable with the feel of the keys and that my typing speed had really taken a hit because of it. I found my fingers would cramp a lot as well and decided that it just wasn’t a good fit for me.

So eventually I stopped taking the iPad everywhere with me, and resorted to my trusty iPhone for quick posts and edits, leaving my iPad at home for the “heavy” work. I felt defeated that the times that I could really benefit from using the iPad larger screen (like when you have to do a large image edit and an Apple Pencil is the best way to get that selection tool to work best), I was away from home and couldn’t get to it.

Enter Phase 2

At this point, I had already made the decision that I had to scale down, literally, and go to a 9.7" iPad. I knew I wanted to continue using iOS for my workflow, but that the 12.9" size was just too much for someone as mobile as I am. The trick was when was the best time to make that switch. I had already spent a ton of money on the 12.9" iPad plus the accessories. I decided I would wait until Apple’s next iPad announcement, which finally came last month with the announcement of the 5th generation $329 iPad, and suddenly I had yet another decision to make.

At this point, I had already made the decision that I had to scale down, literally

After so many months of using an iPad Pro and getting to love the Apple Pencil, I was torn between getting an iPad that was priced so low, yet with a step down in features, or a pro that was already months-old. After much research and deliberation, I decided put my 12.9" iPad up for sale on eBay and use the money I made from it to purchase a 9.7" iPad Pro without a Smart Keyboard.

Meet My New Solution

I am now rocking the 9.7" iPad Pro. I have it in an Apple Smart Cover and Silicone Case to keep it light and be able to carry it with me everywhere with my Apple Pencil. At home I pair it with an old wireless Apple Magic Keyboard (which I already had laying around in the house) for heavy typing tasks. So far this has been working out great for me as I no longer have that strain on my back, can have the iPad with me at all times, and have a mechanical keyboard I like and won’t slow me down. Next I want to invest in a newer Magic Keyboard, one that I don’t need to continue purchasing AA batteries for, but for now you can say that I’ve found my perfect setup.

Would you have done the same? Have you had to “scale down” and switch devices?



Johanna Romero
The Techie Savvy Mom

I.T. Support Manager. Techie. Wannabe Coder. Apple Fangirl. Proud Latina. #iPadOnly #Apple #WomanInTech #iOS