Apple removed the Touch Bar

But Why?

Youssef Mohamed
The Techlife




It is not so often that Apple publicly announces the failure of one of its projects, but with the new MacBook Pros announced a year ago and as expected by all analysts, Apple finally killed off its Touch Bar as it did not make its way into the new and updated line of MacBooks and probably would not be seen around any time soon, but why did Apple kill the feature they announced 6 years ago?

The Story so far


October 2016 was the first time the Touch Bar was announced and made its way into the line of MacBook back then, and in theory, it seemed great.

The Touch Bar is a simple idea. Apple decided to replace the outdated function keys found on top of the keyboard with a small screen instead that was dynamic and can change according to your needs and to the application running at the time, but half a decade later, it failed and was removed.

Apple’s excuse for removing it

Apple did not go into any depth on why their little project failed, and it was probably since it was their own fault that it failed, so they gave a…



Youssef Mohamed
The Techlife

I am a Doctor interested in writing in general and sharing what I find and learn every day with the people around me, hopefully helping others.