No Ads and No Subscriptions. How does Chat GPT Make its Money?

Ahmed Mohamed
The Techlife
Published in
3 min readFeb 11, 2023

Will Chat GPT require a paid subscription in the near future? What is the new Chat GPT Pro? and more.


Using such a tool does not only improve your working efficiency 10x folds, but it reduces the mental effort required for many pointless tasks. Not only does Chat GPT assist me in my software development and writing career, but lately, I have started using it even as my new Google search tool. Why not? With Chat GPT, I don’t need to shift through multiple links, waste time opening and searching each one, and keep on repeating the process to ensure that I have the best answer. It’s a much more streamlined solution.

What is strange for me, at least, is that I have been using Chat GPT for over a month now and haven't paid a single dime for it. Lately, I have been asking the question why? I can’t help but wonder why the company isn’t generating more revenue from users like me with them providing such value. It goes without saying that for me and many others, we will gladly pay for a weekly, monthly, or even yearly subscription to such a service.

For a company that pays $ 3 million dollars to run its service daily and has a net worth in the tens of billions! Is it possible that Chat GPT actually makes no profit back? The simple answer is No.

OpenAI has been exploring ways in order to monetize its Chatbot service. The company's initial approach towards making money was through a mix of partnerships with different businesses, licensing deals, and API offerings. They work with a variety of companies in various industries, such as finance, entertainment, and healthcare, to build and integrate AI solutions powered by Chat GPT.

Developers can use OpenAI’s APIs and pre-trained models to build their own Chat GPT applications, and OpenAI generates revenue through user fees and subscriptions. They also offer enterprise solutions and consulting services for organizations that need more tailored AI solutions. Thus the question arises, is that enough?

Chat GPT Pro


So what about subscriptions? While Chat GPT is completely free to use, and the company seems to want to keep it that way, there have been some rumors about a new Chat GPT monthly subscription. For around $42 a month, OpenAI plans on releasing its new Chat GPT Pro. This paid version of the tool will mainly provide a faster and smoother user experience. It is not stated if the model’s performance will be improved, trained on more data, or capable of more features such as image generation and more. But for the time being, the model is to provide a faster response.


In conclusion, Chat GPT is a remarkable tool that has revolutionized how people perform their tasks. Despite being free, OpenAI has been exploring ways to monetize its service through partnerships, licensing deals, API offerings, enterprise solutions, and consulting services. With the growing demand for AI solutions, OpenAI is expected to generate significant revenue in the future. There have been rumors about a new Chat GPT Pro, a paid monthly subscription for around $42, which will provide a faster and smoother user experience. However, the current version of Chat GPT remains free, and OpenAI seems to be dedicated to keeping it that way. Regardless of the future, it’s clear that Chat GPT will continue to be a valuable tool for many people.

