The First Ever iMac!

Apple’s Savior from Certain Doom!

Youssef Mohamed
The Techlife




For anyone who followed Apple’s history and the company’s rise to where it is right now on top of the technology world, you would know that things were not always this way. In fact, back in 1997, Apple was truly struggling financially and losing so much money. They had fired one of two founders, Steve Jobs, a few years earlier, and things were not heading in a good direction. Then, in 1997, Apple took the decision to finally make Steve Jobs return back, and it was the start of Apple’s return to the top.

The launch of the iMac in 1998 marked a significant turning point in saving Apple, and it was the first official product released by Apple since Jobs returned. It had to be a big hit, and it had to be Apple’s savior.

Read more about Steve Jobs’s return here.

What Happened Back Then

The iMac was unveiled on May 6, 1998, at the Flint Center for the Performing Arts in Cupertino, California, where Steve Jobs introduced it as the “next big thing” in the computer industry. The design of the iMac was a major departure from the traditional beige boxes that had become the standard in the PC market. Instead, the iMac featured a colorful, translucent plastic case with a 15-inch CRT monitor built-in…



Youssef Mohamed
The Techlife

I am a Doctor interested in writing in general and sharing what I find and learn every day with the people around me, hopefully helping others.