6 Key Tips to Remember About Live Videos in Business Marketing

Thomas Burn
The Techlofy Blog
Published in
3 min readAug 25, 2017

Live video has gained immense popularity in marketing practices over the last couple of years. Social media is the place where brands and public figures are utilising live streaming to enhance their band’s image and keep their audience engaged with it. The ease of broadcasting and the negligible cost and efforts in going live have made it possible for live videos to be extensively used in all of the advertising domains.

Read the following reasons behind the trending of live videos in 2017:

  • People prefer to watch a video than they would consume any other type of content.
  • Videos tend to be more captivating and memorable than any other form of content.
  • The message conveyed through a visual content creates more impact on the receivers than its written counterpart.

On this account, we can say that live videos can be more effective to spread the word immediately while expecting a great response from its audience. And if you are planning on to use live video for marketing purposes and want to know how to go about it? You are at the right place!

Best Tips to Remember About Live Videos in Business Marketing:

1. Go live at the right platform(s)

Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat are leading the game of live video platforms on social media. They have their own live video features and, marketers, popular public figures and social media influencers use them to spread their messages about their brand and initiatives.

What you need to understand is, you cannot go on each and every platform while expecting a fabulous response to be generated on all. Choose the most suitable platform that helps your marketed content become visible and garner viewers’ attention. If the majority of your followers, customers and potential leads are on Facebook, then you can skip going live on Instagram or Snapchat. This way you will reach out to those who would actually listen to you and watch your videos.

Another point to notice is that live videos are ephemeral meaning they are usually made to last for the next 24 hours the moment you start streaming. This can help your content build urgency compelling the viewers to watch before it ends.

2. Target the right people

There is no use of going live with a product description if you are not reaching out to those who are actually in its requirement or may be interested in what you have to offer. Therefore, you have to find out the right set of the audience if you are planning to gain attention from social media.

Categorise your target audience and know where they are located on social media domains. For future live streaming, you can optimize your efforts and time based on the responses you have received in your previously made videos.

3. Study the associated features of Live streaming

Broadcasting a live video comes with different features on different platforms. Instagram’s live videos are ephemeral and disappear after watching. Facebook Stories last for the next 24 hours. This can help you broadcast short content, for example, an announcement regarding your upcoming product’s launch.

Besides their time bound availability, different live video platforms have different features for interaction purposes. Some allow commenting and like while others allow reactions as well. Marketers can engage the viewers with these features and encourage them to comment, like or react to your content as per their liking.

More Info? Please Visit This Site:http://www.digitaloitte.com/best-tips-remember-live-videos-business-marketing/

Originally published at www.digitaloitte.com on August 25, 2017.



Thomas Burn
The Techlofy Blog

Thomas Burn is a content marketing expert. Being a social media enthusiast, he believes in the power of writing.