Amazon brings its cashierless technology to a grocery store for the first time

Thomas Burn
The Techlofy Blog
Published in
2 min readJun 15, 2021

Amazon’s cashierless Just Walk Out innovation is going to a full-size supermarket, interestingly, the company has declared. Amazon Fresh store’s new 25,000 square foot is essentially more significant than the 10,400 square foot Amazon Go Grocery store it opened last year, or its standard 1,200 and 2,300 square feet Go stores, denoting a minor achievement as Amazon increases its innovation. The new store will be Amazon’s fourteenth Fresh area in the US when it opens on June seventeenth in Bellevue, Washington.

When Amazon recently opened a 35,000 square foot Amazon Fresh store last year utilizing its cutting edge Dash Carts, it provoked the hypothesis that the organization’s Walk Out innovation wasn’t appropriate for bigger stores. However, Amazon has consistently kept up that Walk Out, which utilizes a progression of overhead cameras and pressing delicate factor racks to recognize what customers put in their trucks naturally, can increase to stores of any size.

“Bringing Just Walk Out technology to a full-size grocery space with the Amazon Fresh store in Bellevue showcases the technology’s continued ability to scale and adapt to new environments and selection,” said Amazon’s vice president of Physical Retail and Technology, Dilip Kumar. “I’m thrilled it’ll help even more customers enjoy an easier and faster way to shop and can’t wait to get their feedback on this latest Just Walk Out offering.”

Amazon says that when clients show up at the new store in Bellevue, Washington, they’ll be provoked to pick a checkout choice and that conventional checkouts will, in any case, be accessible for clients that need them. On the off chance that they choose to utilize Walk Out, they can enter the store by checking a QR code in the Amazon application, embeddings a connected credit or charge card, or examining their palm. When they leave the store, they’re naturally charged for the things in their virtual truck, and a receipt is sent carefully to them.

The new store employments of Just Walk Out will not component the innovative Dash shopping baskets Amazon appeared in its first Fresh primary food item store last August. Amazon declined to say whether it would carry Walk Out tech to its prior Amazon Fresh stores in the US. In the interim in the UK, the innovation seems in Fresh-marked locations that are comparative in size to Amazon’s Go stores in the US.

Notwithstanding Amazon’s stores, the organization also provides Walk Out to outsider retailers. Amazon says Hudson markets, OTG CIBO Express, and Delaware North are three outside retailers that have begun to innovate in different areas.

Originally published at on June 15, 2021.



Thomas Burn
The Techlofy Blog

Thomas Burn is a content marketing expert. Being a social media enthusiast, he believes in the power of writing.