Black Friday Marketing Strategy 2018: A Step by Step Guide to Your Highest Sell Day Ever

Ashfaq Ahmad
The Techlofy Blog
Published in
7 min readOct 25, 2018

Talking about Black Friday, the origin of the day linked to the day after “Thanksgiving Day.” The day when official shopping seasons starts, every retailer looks for an effective marketing strategy. However, Cyber Monday is the first coming Monday after Thanksgiving Day. The was formed by marketers looking to promote online shopping. Overall, we can say that the days bring the boom to the retailer’s industry and businessman looking to expand their profit.

So now what left? The most which we need is proper planning the execution strategy so that we can extract maximum profit. Here I am going to discuss some accurate strategy which you can follow to make it happen.

Best Black Friday Marketing Strategy in 2018

1. Marketing Strategy before the actual start of the season

Start as early as possible

The main hurdle which every person in the market generally faces is a wide competition. It is as simple that like you are preparing to widen your aura, every other person is doing the same. So the crux is that it is better to start preparing as early as possible. The ideal strategy execution must start in November, but in earlier days what you can do is checking your whole subscriber list and mailing list in an orderly fashion to maximize your sales potential at the start of the season.

Organizing your sales product

It will be foolishness if you decide sales product list at the time of start season. So what is wise? Start planning and maintaining the entire product list which you are going to advertise. It will hugely save your time, and you don’t need to look at your planning but only at the execution haphazardly. It is appropriate to do it with your staff and partners to avoid any type of confusion. Make a neat spreadsheet depicting a type of product, price, after sale discount, sale start day, sale end date and discount codes.

Website reliability

The worst thing which happens when you are supposed to start with increasing traffic on your website is the technological failure. There is a dire need to check and maintain your website. Do as much work possible before the actual start of the season and check if your website server is able to bear the heavy loaded content or it ends up in crashing all your hard work on content uploading. Ultimately, you will suffer the loss.

2. Intermediate Marketing Strategy

Start preparing the Taglines

At the time when the sale is approaching, the most prominent thing to keep in mind is the preparation of eye-catching content, which attracts customers the most. You can use some catchy lines to attract more crowds to your campaign. For example quote some motivating quotations like “go for it,” “gift yourself the best.” You can also use challenging quotations like “are you ready for the blast” or “prepare yourself.” Other sensible quotations like “A gift from us.”

Theme Ready Campaign

You can set the theme for your advertisement at this stage. The basic aim of shoppers to buy products at this season is the festival and occasions. As people like to go shopping due to the advent of various celebrations in the coming months. First major one is the Christmas and the New Year. What you can do is just finalize the product as per the theme and make the campaigning and broadcasting models as per them.

Product Marketing Strategy

There are several ways through which you can enhance your sales by segmenting your products on the basis of the timeline and type of subscribers. It is the most effective way to increase your business potential and to expand your product worthiness.

  • One such method is setting offers for only paid users. You can enhance the product standard by making it popular among your paid subscribers.
  • The second method is by setting a timeline on the product for which the offer is given. It creates a deadline marking in the mind of purchasers, doing this will surely increase the credibility of the product.
  • You can also choose to set a discount on the seasonal products or the things which will only be available for a particular time period. It will also increase the reliability of your product.

Plan Content upgradation

Now can come up with the actual content which you are going to use for your future sales announcements. It is not mandatory to write Black Friday or cyber day sales every time on the announcements. Belittle casual with your content writing and make it as attractive as possible. Some of them to rely on are:

  • Announcement for limited Customers like Instagram customers, online subscribers, email subscribers only.
  • Specifying occasion announcements like Black Friday sale, Cyber day discounts, etc.
  • Urgent sales announcements like 2-day weekend sales.

Plan you Sale reminders content also, to keep the users updated about recent promotions and broadcasting products.

Planning for early shoppers

According to a 2018 survey by RetailMeNot, a staggering 60% of consumers plan to start shopping for holiday gifts before Black Friday.

It is very important to create content for people who shop before the actual advent of showing sales. As these people like to do the early shopping so that they can have all the necessary products at home on the day of occasions. You can specify the early shoppers in your poster and campaigning content. What more you can do is to keep your promotional emails updated to your subscribers so that it will reach the early walkers and shoppers.

You can also use popups to encourage shoppers to follow you on social or by signing up for your email list to be the first to know when sales happen.

Content and check out procedure optimization

Now when you are all set about the content, make sure that it is worthy and user-friendly to read. For that, you need to optimize the content quality by adding some useful keywords and information which makes shoppers easy to find about the product. Furthermore, make your checkout process easy going so that it becomes delightful for the customers to complete the payment order. For example, you can create a popup for shoppers, must include multiple payment options, shipping cost should be transparent.

Social Media and Email Marketing Planning

You can set your campaigns and advertisements on social media platforms like facebook messenger ads. It is the best way to promote sales and encourage people to shop with heavy discounts.

Another method is using a well-developed email marketing strategy to enhance your sales.

3. A day before the Actual sale

Send an email reporting the huge deal and post about it via web-based networking media.

4. The show time task

Send an update email just before the occasion starts and post again via web-based networking media.

5. Few hours before sale completion

Send the last update that the deal is completion and post yet again via web-based networking media.

6. Evaluate your progress

The most important task is to analyze your overall performance. It is evident to do it as you can get to know about where you lagged and the next year focus on what is left behind. Prepare a proper analysis of the event sales, a number of products and the category of products.


Now you’re set for the holidays and beyond with our ultimate guide to Black Friday 2018 marketing.

As the 2018 holiday season approaches, you definitely have a lot of options when it comes to promoting your brand.

While you probably aren’t going to be able to implement all of these ideas, hopefully, we’ve helped you figure out the approach that will work best for your brand, and will generate the most engagement from your fan base.

Check out this post for the latest Black Friday and Cyber Monday tech deals 2018.

Originally published at on October 25, 2018.



Ashfaq Ahmad
The Techlofy Blog

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