How to Get More Clicks on Your Facebook Ads

Ashfaq Ahmad
The Techlofy Blog
Published in
3 min readJun 10, 2017

Facebook Ads is a standout amongst the savviest approaches to fabricate mindfulness and enthusiasm for your service. Facebook enables you to take advantage of its system to discover and target a perfect number of audience for your services. Facebook Ads can drive an arrangement of exceptionally focused and intrigued group of the audience towards their services for an uninterrupted business.

Be that as it may, not all have similar abilities and fortunes added to their repertoire. Indeed, even in the wake of having the proper focus, correct promotion and thoughtful spending plan most businesses are unable to get the desired results from Facebook Ads as needed.

Therein, we have to think what should be the strategies to decide on, in order to get more click through rate and to stand apart from other businesses.

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In the article below, we will list different methods which will offer an impressive impact to increase more clicks on your Facebook ads.

5 Ways to improve your Facebook Ads CTR:

1. Aim for a target audience and measure ad appeal by tracking click through rate

Business should have a clear picture on what group of the audience will be their target once, that is decided we have to speak directly to our audience which will provide us more clicks on our ads. These we can track our click through rate and compare it with conversion rate.

2. Using attractive and eye catching real images

The selection of the images for the ad needs to be done wisely. The image should have a realistic approach to it rather than just picking up images from Google. The chosen image should poop out in the ad and this will encourage engagement of user.

3. Choosing appropriate color and placement of primary objects

The main objective is to grasp the attention of our users. The same can be achieved if we focus on the color theme, the pictures used should be in contrast to the background. The primary object should be the point of attention and should stand out in the ad.

4. Use simple English with catchy headlines

Facebook Ads are meant to be small and we have to think strategically while writing the headlines as they attract most attention. The headline should be precise and target the audience. The English used should be plain and simple rather than using complex words.

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5. Frequency and timing of placing the ad

The frequency and timing of placing the ads have a high impact on the number of clicks you get. It is seen that if the timing for ads is scheduled in afternoon on weekends i.e. either on Friday or Saturday results in getting more clicks in comparison to ads placed on weekdays. Also, the frequency ads should be spaced out every other day.


Above we have shared few important but crucial points to consider in order to get more clicks on your Facebook Ads. Rather than just reading and proceeding further, you should start implementing these ideas and tips to your Facebook Ads and you will mark an incredible change in your click through rate and the conversion rate in your clientele. These are super easy tips to follow and generate more out of what you will invest.

Happy Posting Facebook Ads!!!

Originally published at on June 10, 2017.



Ashfaq Ahmad
The Techlofy Blog

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