Ways of your Business on Social Media Marketing

Thomas Burn
The Techlofy Blog
Published in
3 min readJul 14, 2017

Social Media has only been advancing since its inception and the changes within have brought forth various digital tools providing the users with all sorts of information needed these days. Realizing this, current day online marketers are utilizing social networking sites to gather relevant customers and drive profitable ROI in their business endeavors. Thus, it has become important for any company to involve social media marketing into its advertising plan.

To know if your business objectives are matching the right metrics, you need to optimize your advertising plans and this can be done with a thorough knowledge of social media analytics tools.

We understand the importance of making fair and effective decisions when it comes to advertising your products and services via social media, and how optimizing your marketing campaign with the usage of right digital tools can help you estimate your company’s ROI.

Best Ways of your Business on Social Media Marketing:

1. Website Traffic

The size of a website’s traffic is vital in estimating the effectiveness of any social media marketing drive. The increase in a number of visitors determines the extent of a campaign’s influence on its intended users. A smart and effective SEO strategy can help you drive relevant web traffic towards the website. In case the website is not getting expected amount of traffic, then you definitely need to optimize your social media marketing strategies and find out where it is lacking.

2. Track your Visitors

You can keep track of visitors who engage with your campaign by using analytics tools. This will showcase the strength of your campaign’s progress. In case the bounce rate is high, it means most of the visitors leave your site without any significant interaction. To minimize the bounce rate, you will need to change your marketing strategy and work on the targeted leads and tweak the ways of reaching out to the audience. The more people spend time on the website better will be its conversion rate.

3. Retention-Rate of your website

An engaging website means it will attract more visitors and make them stay connected with it. A website’s retention rate can be measured by calculating the number of people who revisit it. To make sure people come back to your website, you need to have relevant content since it plays a vital role in captivating audience’s attention. You can include FAQs, contact information, site map along with videos, blogs, and images for branding your business. Upload the kind of content which is informative and relevant to users so as to make it increase your business conversion rate.

Originally published at www.digitaloitte.com on July 14, 2017.



Thomas Burn
The Techlofy Blog

Thomas Burn is a content marketing expert. Being a social media enthusiast, he believes in the power of writing.