5 Incredible uses of Inedible Cow Parts

anylas birdman
The TechNews
Published in
3 min readNov 6, 2017

Is it possible to explain the taste of beef burger to an alien? What If someone allergic or determined to avoid any cow parts or products.Might succeed to avoid delicious beef burger but remaining inedible cow parts are being used in medications, cosmetics, jet fuel even explosions like dynamite.



McDonald’s Fries over ages

Tallow is a condensed animal fat. A major amount derived from cow parts not sold along meat likewise sirloin, brisket, T-bone or simply beef. The main usage of it applies on soaps.Also used in aviation bio fuel. McDonald’s cooked its french fries using 93% beef tallow and 7% cottonseed oil before they switched to pure vegetable oil back in the 90s.

Cosmetic surgery

Collagen the most abundant protein in the human body covering bones, blood channels, muscles, ligaments, tendons and much more. Collagen extracted from skin, bones, tissues(bundle of cells)form cattle mostly cow as they are much bigger than a chicken. That points out a rich source.

Gummy bears

Gummy Bears

Bears and gelatin equal to gummy bears. Half lie as the bears aren’t real but gelatin is. Gelatin made by getting rid of watery part of collagen. In the market, it goes by a name gelling agent. Marshmallows, candy corn, fruit snacks even in the desert made by mom.


A single cowhide can make 20 American footballs or Rugby balls.NFL manufactures around 700,000 footballs which require 35000 cowhides as well in baseball or tennis racket from cow intestines.


Insulin is one of the major hormones in human. Diabetes patients lack this hormone substituted through pharmaceutical insulin. There are variants of these products includes animal-source insulin which brought Nobel prize to its creator.

“More than 100 individual drugs performing such important and varied functions as helping to make childbirth safer, settling an upset stomach, preventing blood clots in the circulatory system, controlling anemia, relieving some symptoms of hay fever and asthma, and helping babies digest milk include beef by-products.” — Cattle Empire

There are many other usages lying in different cow parts. Keratin is a protein found in cow hooves are used to modulate fire extinguishing foam. From car tires to the roads it runs on got touch by cow by-products. However you cant hide from a cow because they can swim too.



anylas birdman
The TechNews

I write to delight the bird chirping behind the wall.