A few startup ideas that you can also execute

Rafayatul Kabir
The TechNews
Published in
4 min readJan 24, 2017

America, a land of opportunities for many, yet the dreams of success envisioned by others now seem to be slowly shattering ever since Trump’s inauguration. This article mainly comprises of successful startup ideas currently functioning in different parts of the USA; moreover, you are free to adopt any of the following ideas if you have the capacity to execute them.


Courtesy Business Insider

Quite similar to Airbnb; hence allowing users to rent out a place to crash in at the last minute.

How does it work?

If you’re a traveler and require a place to stay, then Overnight is the right app of choice. The app released this year in Austin and currently functioning successfully in New York and San Francisco. Travelers have the options to choose either renting a single room or an entire house, depending on their needs.

Extremely simple to use:

At first, a guest needs to select an appropriate place of stay, and once they contact a host, who must respond in ten minutes — if they are unable to respond, the next rental option becomes available to the guest. The Overnight app has a fully functioning payment gateway embedded, and every host is fully verified by Overnight. The payment is extremely feasible, — private rooms charging $70 — $80, whereas, entire houses are rented at $150.


Courtesy Popular Mechanics

What is it: Buying vehicles online has taken a further step now.

Buying vehicles online have taken a further step now.

What makes it cool?

Carvana has brought about a slight twist in the online car selling business. Visit online web pages that sell certified vehicles for your desired car according to your price range, then enjoy a 360-degree virtual tour of your ride. After finding the desired vehicle, place your order online; you can either ask Carvana to deliver the car in front of your house or send a plane ticket for personally visiting the Carvana store for collecting your car.

The car enthusiasts can save a lot of money for buying from Carvana as it eliminates redundant dealership. The company will fully pay you back in case of any default purchase within the first week starting from the day of purchase.


Courtesy The Common Sense Travel Guy

What it is: Finding rental houses as well paying rents have now turned extremely convenient with this app.

What makes it cool:

According to the CEO Jonathan Eppers of RadPad, the goal is to

“Build the best pro-renter marketplace ever built, so that maybe one day renters will actually enjoy the process of moving and renting”.

A minimum of three pictures for each property, including the amount of rent for each clearly provided within the app as well as its website. Users can pay their rent directly using the app with a debit card or credit card without going through the trouble of forgetting in the beginning of every month.


Courtesy The Independent

What does it do?

Become further efficient in eliminating crime rate using this management- analysis software.

Why it’s cool: Firstly, the device is named after Tony Stark’s Iron Man suit called Mark43; and secondly, software called Cobalt that joins records management with analysis tool; thus, making the lives of law-enforcement officers easier in filing incidents and arrests — the software has reduced the time to thirty minutes; whereas, the whole task previously took an hour to complete.

The software can maintain track of traffic accidents and uneventful incidents; moreover, its analysis tool has the capacity to anticipate crimes and ways to prevent them. The Los Angeles County Gang Taskforce is currently using this software and will soon spread out in other law-enforcement departments of the country.



Rafayatul Kabir
The TechNews

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