Firefox Quantum on Board Outdated Chrome

anylas birdman
The TechNews
Published in
2 min readNov 29, 2017

Mozilla unchained a new breed- Firefox Quantum. Google Chrome has been the default browser since it launched with faster browsing than available browsers in the market. Mozilla launched their new browser calling it Firefox Quantum which will outdate Google Chrome as they say.

“Firefox Quantum makes Chrome look old.”

2X Power & Speed

Quantum appears relatively faster than chrome in response and loading pages. Mozilla claims the browser engine is twice as powerful than previous versions of Firefox and Chrome. Memory usage of Firefox is 30% lighter than previous that helps other apps to run eventually better. Click to check benchmark for your browser with Mozilla speedometer.

Browsers become a nightmare when filled with hundreds of tabs opened. Mozilla accepted the challenge to turn a nightmare into butter as switching between tabs have improvised than earlier. Quantum can neutralize hidden ad trackers which follow until the browser dies.

Firefox interface

Quantum is loaded with a Pocket in the toolbar. Mozilla own this offline reading app makes a good addition to Firefox. The browser also provides an independent option for taking screenshots in “…” beside the address bar.

Personal preferences push toward firefox as the logo itself is cooler than any other. Though that’s what a kid says but quantum might be eligible to take out chrome. Shifting browsers is more like shifting your own home. As after you decorate the temple with extensions for years are all gone in seconds. But still, a try might change a decision when the new house is filled with more opportunities and comfort.



anylas birdman
The TechNews

I write to delight the bird chirping behind the wall.