First Apple store in Southeast Asia opens in Singapore

Joseph Green
The TechNews
Published in
3 min readJun 3, 2017

Finally, at the hub of Southeast Asia, in Singapore, Apple has opened its first Apple store. The company has made it the easiest way for Southeast Asian consumers to purchase Apple’s products from their own region rather than ordering from East Asia in China or from other countries. People were very excited regarding the opening of the first Apple store at the heart of Orchard Road, the city’s retail center.

You won’t believe it until you see it with your own eyes as to how much the Southeast Asian people love this American company. Some people patiently waited in the long queue for as long as 5 or 6 hours to celebrate the opening ceremony of Apple store’s in Singapore. By the way, the first few lucky consumers got a gray T-shirt with their purchase which has a symbol of the Apple logo on it, a heart shape and a red dot which is the symbol of Singapore.

Reyazuddin Shaik, a 40-year-old Singaporean said to Mashable that “We’ve been waiting for this store for so long… being at an Apple Store is a different experience. It’s not like going to an Apple authorized sale centre. It’s very lovely to be here, it’s like a shrine for Apple fans.”


Though Singapore is known as a small country, the place is not small in tech. Here, every year millions of handsets are sold, a record from the market research firm IDC indicates that in 2015 in this tiny city more than 100 million smartphones were sold and believe it or not in each month over 3.8 million consumers come online to purchase their beloved tech device from this Southeast region where the population is over 600 million.

However, besides the Apple products in the store, the company also will research on photography, film, coding, music, art, and design where the local talent will be hunted for these programs.

