Get $10,000 from Uber by Hacking Its App

Lucy Jade
The TechNews
Published in
2 min readMar 29, 2016

Uber, the American multinational online transportation network company, is ready to give you a huge amount of money if you can hack its new app. The company has already announced $10,000 for the hackers who can identify critical bugs in the system. Certainly you can count it as an amazing offer as Uber is actually interested to know how strong its latest app actually is.

According to the company, it is looking for a few experienced hackers so that they can identify any weaknesses the app has that could potentially reveal personal information about drivers and riders. Around May, the security researchers will get their money for each bug they uncover in the app’s code.

Furthermore, the money that they will be given is segmented into three parts. “Medium” bugs will pay hackers $3,000, “significant” bugs will pay $5,000, and “critical” bugs will net hackers a staggering $10,000. Uber has decided to go through with the official hackathon after a private “beta” one held last year exposed over 100 bugs in the system.

This time Uber has become very conscious as it has a previous history of security breaches. For example, Florida Uber driver’s tax info was inexplicably released to thousands of other drivers.

Basically the offer for the hackers is a good way to earn some money and come up with a solution so that Uber can be more conscious about its security.

