Entrepreneurship -A roller coaster ride.

Aritro Banerjee
The Techpreneur
Published in
3 min readFeb 9, 2018

Its easy to get swayed once you take the plunge. I remember the day after my last working day at my last job. I couldn’t make sense of the time! My whole schedule was ruined. I didn’t know when to allocate time for which activity and so on. This tends to happen when you have been caught up in a steady schedule of a corporate life for long. Trust me, it took me a week to be as productive again.

I started my journey with a lot of hope and dreams and I prepared myself for the tough ride ahead. But what I didn’t prepare for was the multitude of emotions that I would be experiencing ahead.

On some days, I wake up in the morning, jump out of bed and I rush to get ready to move to my new startup office asap. On other days, I don’t feel like going at all. It is not really something inside me which does this. The results of my efforts for the previous day, set the mood for the next one. So if you are deciding to be an entrepreneur, I suggest you forge your nerves with Vibranium(Marvel fans cheer!).

It takes an effort to remember to not react to situations, but to respond. Answers need to be well thought out. Actions need to be twice checked. Make no mistake, the job of a leader is a tough one.

As I sit thinking in this month of February, my thoughts are burdened with the news that the name reservation application for our startup was sent back again. My co-founder buddy is now immune to such news. I am still not.
The Government and bureacreacy make tall claims on the time it takes to set up a company. Sadly, they are unware of the ground realities.

Being a tech entreprenuer is even more difficult. Being a manager only is still simpler. They don’t need to know how someone will build their product. We tech entrepreneurs don’t have that luxury. On any given day, I play many roles-Leader,Recruiter,Architect,Developer,Sales and Marketing Officer,Operations Manager and tons more. Giving them fancy names is easy. Deciding what to do next is not.

One crucial element of human life aids me in trudging ahead on scary days -Relationships.My family and friends. Trust me, without the support of family and friends, this journey is for the worse. I have had people offer to help me in whatever small way they can, day in and day out. Frankly, sometimes that helps in bringing a smile to my face.

So as I trudge on the scary days and run on the easy ones, I remember this quote which I always said to inspire myself from when I was a kid.And my special ones remind me of it -”If even I cannot do this.Who can?”

So I will reapply. I will move ahead. I will honour the faith which everyone has placed in me. I will persevere.

Catch me on LinkedIn.

