Imam Haron Inquest: Sustained assault the root cause of ‘Imam’s demise’ — court hears

Storm Simpson
The Tempestuous Times
8 min readNov 11, 2022

Imam Abdullah Haron spent 123 days in detention and at the time of his death, he had over 500cm2 of bruising. The apartheid government maintained that he sustained these injuries in a fall. On the fifth day of the reopened inquest, another expert witness testified that this could not possibly be true.


Dr Segeran Ramalu Naidoo, a forensic pathologist who has conducted at least 15 000 autopsies in his career, testified on behalf of the Haron family on Friday, 11 November.

Naidoo, like the first pathologist who testified in the inquest, Dr Itumuleng Molefe, found that the original autopsy report was woefully inadequate.

The post-mortem was carried out on 28 September 1969, the day after Haron was found dead in his Maitland Police Station cell.

“The autopsy was done by Dr T.G. Schwar as the chief government pathologist of the province or region, as was the practice then for the death of any political detainee,” said Naidoo.

Another doctor, E. Slobedman, was present but there is no record of an independent autopsy report — this was the case at the 1970 inquest and it is unclear whether he ever wrote one.

Throughout these proceedings, Dr Schwar has been painted as an evasive witness — whose autopsy report did not live up to what would be expected of a physician of his experience. Some of his observations — in the autopsy report and during cross-examination — left the 2022 pathologists befuddled.

READ: Imam Haron Inquest: Children remember a kind and jovial man


Imam Haron had 27 bruises and one fractured rib, according to Schwar’s findings. Twelve of the bruises, which are coloured green-yellow in Naidoo’s illustrations of Haron, are believed to be around 7–10 days old.

Other bruises — coloured in red — present on Haron’s shins are aged 2–3 days and those injuries were likely inflicted in the last days of his life.

The Imam had older bruises on his chest and abdomen that were not visible to the naked eye. They were likely inflicted months before his death.

Naidoo tabulated Imam’s physical complaints and how it was responded to. Between 7 and 10 July, he complained of pain in his left chest area around his ribs (Monday) and general weakness and tenderness over his lower ribs (Thursday).

For these complaints, he was attended to by Dr Viviers and Dr DC Gosling. Then, there was a period of nearly two months with no complaints.

On 14 September, he was seen by Dr Gosling again as he developed piles and was bleeding from the rectum.

On 19 September, Iman Harron fell down a stone staircase at Caledon Square Police Station, according to the apartheid security branch — this fall would later be deemed the root cause of his death as Major Genis and Sergeant Spyker van Wyk claimed all Haron’s injuries were sustained in the fall.

However, on the night they did not seek medical attention for the political prisoner as he did not complain of any injuries

On Saturday, 20 September, Haron complained of a headache and a Sergeant Geldenhuys went home to fetch his personal pain tablets — doloxene, a powerful opioid.

In the last days of his life, Imam Haron complained of pain in the chest on the 21st and 26th; he was given tablets on the 22nd; and on the day of his death, he complained of pain in the stomach and was given pills by the policemen again.

READ: Imam Haron Inquest: Pathologist says injuries that led to death likely caused by assault — not a fall

In court, it became apparent that Haron’s complaints were linked to particular days of interrogation during which he was assaulted. In the security branch’s testimony, van Wyk said Haron was interrogated on a daily basis — at least for the period he was held at Caledon.

The chest complaint in July — when he likely fractured his rib — was linked to a time when Genis and van Wyk thought they had finally extracted information from him.

Around the time, security branch members reportedly wrote an affidavit with the information given to them. They later learned the Imam had lied and likely retaliated with a beating.

At the 1970 inquest, Dr Viviers said he did not ask Haron what caused the chest injury because he was a political prisoner. The doctor said it was his policy to not ask such prisoners too many questions.

Judge Thulare put forward that the doctors of the time contributed to what Haron went through during detention. Viviers’ self-made policy enabled the apartheid security police to act with impunity.

Haron spent 75 nights in Caledon Square Police Station and 45 nights at Maitland. Two nights on the 17 thand 18 thof September are unaccounted for. Genis and van Wyk did not disclose this information, it was revealed by Captain PL Malan after questioning during the 1970 inquest.

The security branch never revealed where they took the Imam on these days but it is believed that he was tortured at Caledon Square and perhaps even at a location outside Cape Town.

After this removal, his condition worsened rapidly — there were six medical complaints and yet, a doctor was never called to examine the Imam. Before, they were called for minor issues.

Dr Naidoo and Judge Thulare theorised that the policeman did not call the doctors as they would not overlook the injuries sustained in his last days and they would see the bruises.

On the first day of the inquest, the court heard that Genis and van Wyk, who were present at the autopsy, concocted the story of the alleged fall after Haron’s death.

Judge Thulare said it appears there was a pattern of attempting to conceal what happened to the Imam and Dr Schwar was part of the cover-up.

READ: WATCH: Expert says Imam Haron’s injuries couldn’t have been caused by a fall


The total surface area of bruising on Imam Haron’s body was 573cm2, according to Naidoo. In the original autopsy, Dr Schwar said it amounted to 560cm2 and yet he ruled that the bruises were “not of such a serious nature.”

Naidoo said bodily bruising greater than 50cm2 is considered an injury of moderate severity that requires medical treatment.

The bruises, if left unattended, could lead to the injury becoming serious with systemic effects.

“The complaint of chest pain recorded on 7 and 10 July would suggest that some form of beating had begun in the early part of July 1969, but was escalated at the latter part of September,” said Naidoo.

Naidoo said the Imam probably sustained his injuries around the time of the alleged fall on the 19 thof September.

“Following what I have analysed about the nature of the injuries, their cause can hardly be attributed to such alleged fall,” said the pathologist. He added that it is questionable whether such a fall took place as there are no clear and unmistakable wounds to suggest it.

“An assault of deliberate nature must be considered as the most probable cause, whether at one sitting or at several incidents around the same time.

“The distribution and locations of the wounds are more in keeping with a deliberate purposeful nature than a random occurrence.”

In court, Naidoo said it was likely that a rod-shaped object like a police truncheon was used to inflict some of the injuries.

He went further and said it was likely that Haron was stamped on while lying on the ground and added that it was likely that the 27 bruises were only the minimum number of times the Imam was hit as “in usual situations, the number of actual impacts of blunt force more often exceed the number of discrete wounds seen.”

READ: Haron family unimpressed with State’s ‘loose’ evidence after day one of inquest


Naidoo said the green-yellow bruises on Haron’s lower limbs and trunk were “strikingly larger” than the other wounds.

The impacts would have likely transmitted the force to the deep subcutaneous tissue and underlying blood vessels, which would promote venous thrombosis.

Naidoo also described the green-yellow bruises as having the “foremost and chief damaging effects” along with the bruises to the lower chest and the rib fracture. These injuries debilitated the Imam and led to the development of thrombosis.

The systemic effects of the bruising would not cause immediate death, said Naidoo, but there would have been significant physiological systemic trauma effects — especially upon the kidneys, which could display features of “crush injury syndrome.”

“I have seen many cases of delayed death with such injuries where the patient has significant organ damage, especially kidneys from the effects of soft tissue injury.”

At the original autopsy, Dr Schwar ruled that the cause of death was myocardial ischaemia due to “emotional tension or small pulmonary emboli” after he saw a narrowing of the left circumflex coronary artery.

Naidoo said if Schwar’s assumption about the coronary artery was correct, it was evidence of ischaemic heart disease. However, he said the small pulmonary emboli found in Haron’s lungs could be an incidental finding due to his deep venous thrombosis of the calves,

“It is questionable whether the venous thrombosis-pulmonary emboli contributed significantly to death, if at all.”

Naidoo said the injuries themselves and coronary disease were left as the only organic conditions that could account for possible causes of death.

However, he added that advanced coronary narrowing may sometimes be an incidental finding in autopsy cases when the death is caused by other means.

Ultimately, Naidoo said it is difficult to come to conclusion about the precise cause of death. “Nevertheless, the only available explanation for the final pathology that led to death were the injuries and coronary artery disease.”

“In my opinion, the death was due to a combination of severe systemic physiological stresses, in particular of the crush injury syndrome precipitated by the complications of blunt soft tissue injury, with pre-existing coronary artery disease,” he concluded.

For clarity, Judge Thulare asked Naidoo about the root cause of Imam Haron’s death. “The root cause of the Imam’s demise is the injuries sustained during a sustained assault on his person?”

“Yes, that is correct,” he replied.

When prompted, Naidoo furthered that Imam Haron would definitely not have died, at the time, if he hadn’t been assaulted by the security branch.

The inquest will continue on Monday, 14 November. Political activist, Jeremy Cronin, will testify for the family. Cronin once described Spyker van Wyk as a “psychopath of note.”

Johannes Hendrik Burger, the last surviving police officer from the period of the Imam’s detention, will testify for the National Prosecuting Authority.

Originally published at on November 11, 2022.



Storm Simpson
The Tempestuous Times

Tales of a Tempestuous Life | Cape Town-based journalist and writer