Project Precipice

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The Tentaverse
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4 min readNov 24, 2021
Project Precipice — Subject 0096

EO State Laboratories Research Subject Log

Subject No.: 0096

Research ID: Project Precipice

Research Phase: Introduction

Day: 63

Employee ID: 0294-CL4

Dept: R&D

Date: 2087.2.17

Status: Highly Classified

Subject 0096’s condition was worsening at an accelerated rate. It appeared the increase in yesterday's administered dosage resulted in an adverse effect on the progress of our research. Following our lab protocols, we monitored the subject’s physical condition via continuous multi-channel video streams and in-person status observations every 4 hours.

Earlier today at approximately 1200 hours during our routine genotyping analysis for subject 0096 we noticed something unusual. While using our multi-primer analyzer to detect CG content (%) and calculating the extinction coefficient we noticed an anomalistic DNA mutation variant. We further observed this through our DNA multi-sequencing module and realized the subject’s molecular structure actually mimicked the DNA of an octopus. We immediately documented this and proceeded to request a lab-wide staff meeting in the Vector Conference Center, scheduled for 1600 hours.

The emergency meeting was adjured so we could share our most recent findings with each specialty vertical and collectively strategize on best practices for ongoing observation and analysis. Unfortunately, with all the commotion that stemmed from our recent discovery compounded with the impromptu meeting, no one was left to monitor the physical condition of our research subjects. As per lab protocol, after the daily analysis had concluded, the subject was injected with the properly calculated dose of sleep-inducing serum, which typically generates a 4-hour sleep cycle. So based on historical data, we had several hours before the subject would wake up.

Roughly 45 minutes into our meeting, at approx 1645, hours we heard the alarm from the LSPNS (lab security protocol notification system) with an announcement over the intercom that subject 0096 had breached restricted area B14 and HSP (high-security protocols) had been initiated. We immediately knew this was no coincidence, but thought there had to be a mistake as the likelihood of subject 0096 reaching B14 was extremely low. Although we knew his condition was changing rather rapidly, we thought we were dealing with a week or so timeframe. Unfortunately, there was nothing we could do, but sit and await further instructions. Per HSP protocol, until the situation had been considered remediated by security personnel, we were confined to our current location, protected by a double-reinforced clarion steel door.

Approx 23 minutes into HSP the doors suddenly retracted and we were asked by Lab Agent 3 to accompany him to the Redux Room, the most classified lab room in the entire Laboratory. Since I have clearance level 4 and my colleagues have clearance level 3, only I was permitted to follow Lab Agent 3.

As we fervently paced down the corridor, I tried to get a better assessment of the situation I was soon to encounter. So, I casually asked Lab Agent 3 “what actually happened?”, but due to the confounding nature of the incident, he simply replied, “Sir, I have absolutely no idea what this thing is.”

As we passed the 3 layers of security for the Redux Room, Lab Agent 3 input his verification code and stepped to my left allowing me to enter the lab and fully absorb what was I witnessing. On the white polished lab floor there appeared to be a green liquid secretion. As I peered up at the hydro chamber, I locked eyes with a creature, unlike anything I’d ever seen. It had the characteristics of an Octopus. This creature I had just laid my eyes upon was magnificent, sentient, and seemingly self-aware. It was noticeably distressed and I’m sure petrified from the traumatic events it had just endured. Still not fully apprised of what I was actually looking at, my first assumption was this had to be a new transfer test subject captured by our Sea Exploration Division (SED), but this was quickly dispelled as Lab Agent 3 murmured to me “Sir, that’s 0096.”

Lab Security Protocol Notification System Initiated at EO State Laboratories

I needed time to process what happened and understand how subject 0096 got here, so I left Redux Room and rushed to my office so I could review our subject monitoring recordings. Based on this review, it appears subject 0096’s used their newly formed tentacles as a utility to escape their designated hydro chamber by slipping one of their tentacles through a small conduit at the top of the tank and unfastening a safety latch to partially unseal the cover. This created just enough space for subject 0096 to use their new suction cups for leverage in order to climb to the top of the chamber and altered their new malleable composition to squeeze through the tiny passage.

As for the sudden biological transformation; it appears the most recent iteration of the synthetic elixir injected into subject 0096 contained traces of a nano chemical that introduced an unusually high number of splice variants. We don’t yet understand how or why the protein particles bonded to catalyze this reaction, but we do know that subject 0096’s DNA underwent a full morphological genetic mutation that caused them to mutate into an entirely new life form, composed of many identical Octopus traits.

This was completely unforeseen and quite frankly unprecedented. We are currently undergoing a full re-review of all our lab reports, protocols, and processes in order to uncover the root cause of this scientific anomaly.

However, what we can confidently conclude from this miraculous, yet unintended event is that if a smaller dose is administered to a test subject(s), over an extended period of time, they would exhibit a subset of these mutations. Most notably, they would develop tentacles… with a high probability of developing gills.

||Report End||

