RE: Before

The Tentaverse
Published in
2 min readNov 8, 2021

RE: “Before”

To: 0xA11107ac11e5
From: 0x0C1be2Da2cCc

Hey Dr. Ickler, I heard you were collecting histories to try and figure things out. Here are a few e-mails from my college daze.

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That itchy rash on my back is festering. I’m trying not to scratch at it, but it’s so irritating I can barely sleep. I can’t get comfortable, like there’s a lump in the bed. Hopefully the doctor’s tests will be done soon and he’ll give me something for the itch and my sleep. …but at the moment I feel okay. Maybe it was the shower I just took?

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I tried calling Dr. T and couldn’t get through, even the main line is busy… is it flu season? I’ll try again soon, but still can’t sleep so I’ve been self medicating, and it makes me so thirsty. HELP I’M BECOMING A FISH!! Lol! Btw you wanna get some sushi? I got my check and I’m tired of microwave ramen.

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I still haven’t heard from the doctor so I drove by his office. My back is like… nvm it’s disgusting, and idk what to do because there was a protest or something. When I drove by, they were breaking things, and it seemed like some of them were having seizures or a heart attack. I didn’t want to stop and the news said 88 people were arrested and hundreds injured. I don’t even think I saw that many people… sus

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Something is wrong! I haven’t seen my roommate in days and the dorm is missing a lot of people! Either I’m losing my shit, or there’s something trying to climb out of my back! This is fucked

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That’s all I’ve got. I can’t believe how everything changed that semester, and how many people <you know>. What’s with all the mercs? Do you think there will be a resistance like in the comic books? Everything’s going to shit. Stay sub, who knows wtf if gonna happen.



The Tentaverse

👨‍👧‍👦Father 👨‍💻Geek 💪USMC 🥃Scotchie 👨‍🔬Solidity mad scientist :: Discord: Squeebo#0001 ::