The Four Sectors

Bright Side
The Tentaverse
Published in
2 min readDec 5, 2021

Following the not so peaceful “transition” of power, in what is now known as The After-Time, The EO had some decisions to make pertaining to how they would restructure the territories of the Republic. As any historian can attest, this is never an easy feat, especially with time working against you.

After a few short weeks of deliberation and planning, they agreed to consolidate the hundreds of existing territories, and the millions of citizens, into 4 distinct regions called “The Four Sectors”.

Along with each Sector would come a societal reclassification and a systematic redistribution of citizens, resources, and provisions. The primary objective of this new formation was to ensure continuity of power through control and the suppression of information, dissension, and sovereignty. With the seemingly immutable circumstances of the planet's climatic condition and the imminent dangers that lie ahead, the presumption was that the population would be completely distracted with their mere survival. Keep in mind, this was a few months prior to “The Catalyst” (the application of the synthetic elixir into the global water supply).

Each Sector has its own unique characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages.

The Four Sectors

The EO claimed a small island off the coast of North Sector as their private enclave which is connected via a private tunnel to the mainland. This is the home of the EO headquarters (EO Citadel) and residence for all their essential personnel, such as Sector Heads and State Laboratory employees.

One thing to note is the population stats reflect “The After-Time” census as the EO knew from day one that many citizens would be “expired” in order to aid the preservation of their civilization.

N. Sector
S. Sector
W. Sector
E. Sector
The Tentaverse Map

