Research and Development

The Tentaverse
Published in
4 min readNov 18, 2021


Clink* *shatter*

I definitely almost fell asleep that time, I said to myself.
I'm exhausted.

Even with my own life hanging in the balance, I have no choice but to continue.

Especially with the recent EO State Communications' statement to the public that a solution to avoid our catastrophic end was nearing its completion. The unfortunate reality; this is far from true. I understand the need to keep the public calm in order to avoid total anarchy, but the elixir is not progressing as I’d hoped.

There is much work to be done and all the murmur of opposing factions looking to terminate my research isn’t helping. I remain assured, with so much at stake, the EO has deployed all proper security measures to protect me, and more importantly, my research.

Anyway, enough distractions, back to work I go…

Ugh, I slowly feel my eyelids becoming heavy again.

The injections are gone.

Our Overlords bestowed upon me a new, synthetic stimulant and nootropic to complete my research.

Fully alert for 24 hours at a time.
I’m running on essentially no sleep, but surprisingly my hand is steady. The nootropic cocktail component makes me feel as if I could simultaneously perform calculus and paint a masterpiece akin to the Renaissance Masters.

With these injections, I am perfect.

My brain hums along at the speed of light while my hands move with the precision of a surgeon.

There is but one major downside.

When the cocktail wears off, you immediately crash.


It's as if you've been awake for weeks instead of days, and if you have no more injections, it could lead to serious consequences, as well as death with constant usage.

I injected the last of the brain-enhancing stimulant 36 hours ago.

I am operating on nothing but willpower and hope.

My sweat can be seen through my lab coat, another side effect of the withdrawal my body is experiencing from the cocktail being processed out of my system.

No matter.
Continue I must.

I peer over at my DNA sequence hologram reference panel to double check the genome sequencing is correct, but the soft, warm glow of the hologram lulls me into a false sense of security.

It would be so nice just to close my eyes for a second...what harm could 5 minutes do?

But what is that?

Pain. Immense pain.

My arm feels as if it's on fire but my eyes refuse to open. My body feels as if it's shutting down, but I cannot ignore what now feels like my arm turning itself inside out.


My eyes burst open, and fly around the room looking in every possible direction.

I've made a grave, unforgivable error.

I finally did it. I gave in to my exhaustion. What felt like minutes of sleep was only seconds, or was it seconds that felt like minutes?

My perception of time is completely gone. As I peer down at my arm, the horrible realization of what I had done washes over me.


What was once my arm has now been replaced by what appears to be a glowing, sopping wet, radioactive tentacle!

My first thought: My research is a failure. What good am I now? What use could I possibly be?

My life's work all culminated into this one moment, and The Overlords trusted me...

I've failed them. Was this unforeseen mutation what they had in mind?


Flashing red lights fill the room, and three men rush in, dressed head to toe in advanced-level hazmat suits.

"You must exit the Laboratory immediately. This is a security protocol being put into place by The Overlords. You will be moved to a safe location, then debriefed. Follow us"

I could barely move. My legs ceased to function, and they carried me on their shoulders, acting as my crutches as I moved towards the Laboratory door.

I am contaminated. What would they do with me now? They don't seem concerned.

In that moment, I see my lab assistant walk back into the Laboratory.
I sent her home hours ago. Was I hallucinating from the effects of the cocktail, or is she really here?

She could become contaminated too! Why is she here?

And why is she wearing a blonde wig?

That was my last thought before my world went black. I could no longer remain conscious.

Finally, my frail body collapsed.

Sweet slumber. I could finally rest.

Is this all just a dream?

