A Few Thoughts on Google, Crapitalism, and Our Socialist Asylum

Trey Mays ن
The Theocratic Libertarian
3 min readAug 9, 2017

Conventional wisdom erroneously claims fascism is the extreme right wing, and communism is the extreme left wing. In reality, they both have the same collective mindset of secular humanism. The socialists are the Ruling Class in government, and the crapitalists are the businessmen in Corporate America who run the collective asylum.

Humanism is a social ideology of economic planning and social engineering. Science be damned, unless of course science can be manipulated to validate their humanist utopia, e.g. climate change. Diversity, tolerance, and inclusivity to the humanist means, “Bake the cake, bigot!”

And if you dare to question the social science, much less the biological science, in a thoughtful way for a diversity of ideas then you get to lose your job. Because that cake has to be baked, in its entire rainbow colors of vainglorious pride. The Google employee, who wrote the memo, made the mistake of questioning the status quo and he paid the price of going off the reservation.

Google’s culture of intolerance blinded by political correctness, moral relativism, and crapitalist fascism is inclusive so long as you bake their cake exactly as they prescribe in their diversity training. If the socialists are the central planners in government, the crapitalists are the fascists with capital to implement their humanist utopian paradise. Any idea that threatens their fabricated social construct must be put out to pasture.

Free markets are the simple free exchange of goods, services, and ideas between willing people who desire what each other have. The crapitalism, also known by its more colloquial name capitalism, of Corporate America and Google is business by taking advantage of competitors and indoctrinating their employees with diversity nonsense. It is the taking advantage of government regulations and economic planning to limit the free exchange and drown out competitors.

We, theocratic libertarians, hold fast to the liberty of God’s covenant of creation and common grace to all, Christian and non-Christian alike. We believe in free markets, property rights, and the mutual respect of human dignity. Theocratic libertarians hold to the religious liberty and private charity of the Church preaching freely and prophetically into society, and caring for the social welfare of the nation.

Market-oriented free societies don’t have economies that “do business” to manipulate advantages in our own self-centered favor. Crapitalists and socialists “do business” that way. But free societies based on God’s Law of Liberty fosters a culture of peace, justice, and mutual respect for a free people.

The fascists of Google and Corporate America partner with the socialists in government to shame, manipulate, and indoctrinate the masses into their humanist mindset and social ideology. They are the embodiment of everything that has gone completely wrong in our godless society. Greed and selfish ambition are the byproducts of the crony capitalism of our socialist asylum.

When will the American people stand up to the tyranny of the tolerance brigade and their pride? It’ll happen when God revives His Church and people begin trusting in Him first. And a reformation of culture and economics in American society will occur when we acknowledge and declare Christ’s Lordship over our great nation, again.

It’s time to throw off the chains of humanism and its vainglorious pride in the autonomous self and collective utopia.



Trey Mays ن
The Theocratic Libertarian

Scholor. Thinker. Writer. Blogger. Political provocateur Trey Mays is a Puritan Reformist - because culture needs fundamental reform, not revolutionary change.