The Insanity of Cosmic Justice & Grievance Politics in Our Race Relations

Trey Mays ن
The Theocratic Libertarian
3 min readAug 24, 2017

Amanda Prestigiacomo at The Daily Wire is reporting a Black Lives Matter leader has unveiled a new list of demands for white people. The race-baiting and stroking of racial sensitivities are designed to elevate the superiority of our own race based on our perceived grievances. When identity politics and grievance politics marry, they make little triggered racist children.

What this leader of a local chapter of the Black Lives Matter movement demands is not even remotely a biblical way to seek social justice and equality, much less freedom. All she is doing is stoking the flames of racial nationalism and tribalism.

Black Lives Matter is the latest, modern iteration of black nationalism through and through, just as the Alt-Right is the modern iteration of white nationalism. Because what sort of bigoted racist would condemn the imago Dei idea that black lives do in fact matter?

The list of demands by Black Lives Matter leaders is a view of black people being somehow superior to white people because of their true experiences. It implies black people have a superior right to property over white people’s right to property.

In reality, these demands are based in self-righteous pride, vainglory, and animosity. If you want racial reconciliation please do two things:

  1. Stop this crap in your community; and
  2. Name your sins of pride, vainglory, and animosity and nail them to the Cross of Christ.

And if white people decide to cling to their white identity and create a nationalistic grievance politics of your own because of the nationalistic crap the other side is pulling, congratulations you’re just as stupid as they are. You too need to do two things:

  1. Stop this crap in your community, and
  2. Name your sins of pride, vainglory, and animosity and nail them to the Cross of Christ.

I’m tired of the nationalistic grievance politics on both sides, white and black. If this is all we can come up with for racial reconciliation, then hard pass. I want none of it.

If you think racial reconciliation is about cosmic justice and righting every wrong and injustice that has been done in the past, because we foolishly and sinfully didn’t follow God’s Word when they actually happened, then congratulations you’re part of the problem. You’re seeking a justice outside of the jurisdictional scope God created. You’re telling God you don’t need His form of justice. You want your own form of chaos and tyranny.

The only justice we can seek today is the straightforward justice against real injustices (not the grievances we think are injustices) in the here and now. Let God punish, and He will, all injustice past, present, and future in His own way and in His own timing. Stop trying to be a god with your grievance demands rooted in your pride, vainglory, and animosity.

Condemn all forms of racial nationalism regardless of experiences and histories for they are all simple-minded, sinful, and from the pit of Hell.

True diversity isn’t found in stroking our racial sensitivities with mere condemnations of one-sided racism and nationalism. True diversity is found at the foot of the Cross of Christ when God’s Children, black and white, name and nail their own sins to the Cross.

White people, stop projecting your racial identity in automatic defenses of law enforcement, and stop being triggered by every protest by black people.

Black people, stop projecting something honest and true about your racial community onto a racially nationalistic movement that was founded on a lie.

Both races need to stop demanding things from each other thinking the other has the answer to validate how you are feeling. Come to the Cross of Christ together, repent of your own sins, and nail them to the Cross. And then know that you both are free in Christ, regardless of the past, present, and future injustices.



Trey Mays ن
The Theocratic Libertarian

Scholor. Thinker. Writer. Blogger. Political provocateur Trey Mays is a Puritan Reformist - because culture needs fundamental reform, not revolutionary change.