7 Characteristics of Spiritually Strong People

Stephen Vaughn
The Things Unseen
Published in
2 min readNov 3, 2016

I’ve had the blessing of observing some spiritually strong believers. These opportunities are incredible privileges. Their lives serve as reminders of the power available to all believers through the Holy Spirit.

Here are seven characteristics I’ve learned from those who are spiritually strong.

  1. Their prayers lives are firm. Being strong spiritually is a byproduct of an unwavering prayer life. They don’t neglect to pray, whether or not times are good or bad.
  2. Their prayers are about God much more than they are about themselves. God’s glory is the focus of their communication with Him. They understand their lives to be reflections of His holiness and grace, and they desire that others see Him in them.
  3. They take spiritual disciplines seriously. But not in a legalistic way. They desire to know more about Jesus through His Word and to grow closer to Him in prayer.
  4. They are heaven-minded. An upward focus has an impact on earth. They focus on the Source of their strength and practical ways by which He works.
  5. They aren’t afraid of long hours. They will get up radically early and stay up exhaustingly late if that’s what it takes to press into God. All other priorities are inferior when God is pressing them to spend time with Him.
  6. They are sensitive to the Holy Spirit. They listen closely for His whisper. When they hear Him, they follow in obedience.
  7. They are obedient. They obey because they trust God and want to demonstrate His glory in and through their lives.

Who is spiritually strong in your life? Have you been observing them? Have you ever asked to share a meal with them or get some coffee?

Find someone in your life who is a demonstration of the strength of God and begin to observe them as they follow after God with unwavering faith.

