It wasn’t an accident. I swear. 

Farrel Nobel
The Think Tank


Ahh, The monsooon season. It rains everyday for the most part. Sometimes for hours on end. And for some odd reason, it always happens when I’m sleeping.

I wake up, and the roads are wet, the sky is grey and the sun is barely getting through the blanket of clouds. And that’s a good day. 6:30 am was the time. Time to go to school. I’m driving of course.

I thought “it could be worse… it could be sunny season here and it’d be twice as hot.” So the puddled roads and increased traffic, even early in the morning, was a bargain for much better weather. I had 2 routes to go to school. For the sake of the story, I’ll call it the quick route and the long route.

Now I normally would take the quick route because I’m always in a hurry — not that it really mattered if I came late to school anyway — , but that day, I decided to take the longer route. Take in the nice calming weather and cold breeze of the post-rain morning while driving through small and large puddles of water.

In the long route, there’s this long stretch of road which had 2 way lanes. one going one way and the other going the opposite. I was just speeding by casually, taking advantage of my empty lane while motorbikes and other cars sped past in the opposite direction.

And up comes this motorcycle that’s coming form the opposite direction. He’s just a little too close to my lane but I didn’t think I’d have to worry. And out of the blue, JUST as his motorbike and my car where side by side, I unleashed a giant spray of rain water on the poor guy.

I could hear the tires squeeze every bit of water out of the ground and onto the motor-cyclist.

He was drenched, I was certain.

But I was going too fast by now, and he was already going off in his own way. What was I suppose to do? Stop. Reverse. Say sorry? I had school to go to! — sounds selfish I know. I look into my rear-view mirror and I noticed that he had stopped. He was also looking at my car, pissed off and pointing towards it as he tells another biker what just happened.

This next bit would make me seem like a jerk.

I LAUGHED. That’s right, I chuckled a little and innocently said “Oops~”. I mean, it was funny! Because you’d expect that kind of thing to happen in cartoons or in the movies. And it wasn’t like I did it on purpose anyway. Nevertheless, I feel bad for the guy. I mean, it’s early in the morning and the first thing that you start your day with is a soaking by some asshole — me.

Anyways, if by some chance that biker was reading this post. Just want to say that it was an accident. Like, Seriously.




Farrel Nobel
The Think Tank

Graphic Designer focusing in Branding & Identity. Follow me on Dribbble | Behance | Twitter -> @farrelnobel