The Thinking Inside

Nerds get it. Enthusiasts get it. Fans get it.

Samuel Onyango
The Thinking Inside
May 8, 2023


There are many things that seem ordinary but spark joy and inspiration in nerds, enthusiasts, fans.

I’m a bookworm, a series junkie, a design fanatic, a tech enthusiast, a marketer (pseudo-adman), and a strategist (yes, my actual job).

I get excited by little things in those areas and feel the need to share them. Finally (sigh), I’ve gathered the courage to start a space to share my thoughts with the world — The Thinking Inside.

Mostly, I love cerebral, edgy ideas, especially those that surprise — and the thinking behind them.

Ideas in tech, design, marketing, strategy, tv series, articles, books, etcetera.

That’s what you’ll get in this publication.



Samuel Onyango
The Thinking Inside

Global award-winning strategist. UX / product designer. Tech enthusiast. Strategy Director at Ogilvy in Africa