Will merely changing the metrics help?

Twitter: Beyond managing metrics

A saga of lost opportunities

Nigel Mark Dias
Published in
1 min readDec 31, 2016


“Change the metrics” as you say is key, Anil Dash

More than changing the metrics, Twitter is a text-book case of missed & lost opportunities, like Kodak (digital photography) & like Xerox (printers, GUI).

Messaging: A potential Facebook Messenger & WhatsApp disruptor, especially if group chats are enabled.

Live Video: Periscope, Twitter TV v. YouTube, Facebook Live

Cross Platform: To build a non-Chinese alternative to WeChat text, hold-to-talk voice, broadcast, video conferencing, games, share photographs, videos, & locations, exchange contacts, random contacting, full social integration, machine translation, payments.…

Twitter still has a window opportunity to go beyond Facebook & WeChat. That window, though, is closing very rapidly.

