Lighting a Candle

Trisha Lynn G. Francisco
The Thirteenth Scholars
3 min readDec 21, 2023
The Sangguniang Iskolar (Student Council) members with Campus Director Engr. Ramil Sanchez at Ampayon Central Elementary School.

Generosity is not about expecting something in return when you give; it’s the act of giving itself that holds value. Giving is a distinct trait in Filipinos, ingrained in the essence of our culture. We share what we have, especially things we no longer use, to bring purpose and joy to others. It’s remarkable how the things we don’t need anymore can make a significant difference in someone else’s life. True happiness can’t be bought, and witnessing someone’s genuine smile because of a simple gift is truly priceless.

In this country where we believe that "sharing is caring," there are people whose lives are shaped by the taxes contributed by the community. Behind these individuals, there are others who, in turn, impact the lives of those who believe in the principle of giving and receiving. We all understand that behind the taxes people contribute, some individuals often feel like giving up, experiencing tears, sweat, sleepless nights, and exhaustion. However, in the end, they leave a lasting impact on the lives of students who are the future scientists of this country.

Iskas and Iskos from the Philippine Science High School - Caraga Region Campus make a difference in the lives of others. The Pisay Caraga community implements a special day every December called "Isko Bigayan," where the scholars and other members of the Pisay Caraga Community willingly donate preloved objects and materials. This is because December is a month of sharing and giving. "Iskobigayan" is not just about donating to elementary students from the local community but also donating to those who contribute to a safer and cleaner campus, such as the utilities who maintain cleanliness and brightness and the guards who ensure a safe environment.

As a Pisay Caraga Iska, personally, it’s a matter of giving because of our willingness to do so. Each month, all Pisay scholars, including myself, receive an allowance funded by the taxes of the Filipino people. I hope that, in time, this support proves worthwhile, as I am committed to gradually giving back to my country. The community provides us with allowances through their hard-earned taxes, and it’s our turn to give back little by little.

However, not everything is about giving back or believing in the concept of repaying, but rather helping others wholeheartedly and looking at it as it is, not as a forced and staged act of kindness just to be perceived as someone who takes every matter by repaying for the good things, particularly with the stipend you receive. In essence, it’s about truly wanting to help others and being sincerely committed to making a positive difference in our country.

One of the most basic human acts is being compassionate, whether it is towards the people around us, other species or organisms, or our society. Helping others is something not all of us are capable of, yet it must be encouraged and promoted. Indeed, compassion is the most basic humane thing a person possesses because, with compassion, we seek a change for the less fortunate, a change for the betterment. Giving is the key to a fulfilling life, and it’s not just about what we gain but also about what we’re willing to share. "Bigayan" isn’t something that we should do out of obligation; we donate because we are willing to do so. Giving feels good, not just because we have to, but because we want to. It’s about spreading happiness in simple ways and making a difference, one small act at a time.

In a room where others see only darkness, let’s learn to light a candle in the darkest moments of someone’s life so they can see the light again. The beaming light of a single candle does much more than we can imagine. We can only imagine how the little compassionate things we do for them give that candlelight a much bigger flame, providing them with a clearer sight of the hope they have been holding onto for so long.

