PSHS-CRC sets plans for F2F classes

Elan Victoria G. Tomaneng
The Thirteenth Scholars
2 min readDec 9, 2021

In order to maximize the preparations for face-to-face learning and alleviate student-related concerns in the current setup, Philippine Science High School- Caraga Region Campus (PSHS-CRC) conducted a consultation on the conduct of in-person classes with the parents and guardians from Batch 2022 via Zoom, last Wednesday.

Spearheaded by Campus Director Ramil A. Sanchez, the meeting commenced with a discussion on the background of the said proposal.

In a survey disseminated to the Grade 12 parents and guardians, 63.1% gave their consent to have their child attend onsite classes, while 36.9% answered no.

Moreover, the students will be given the choice to opt for face-to-face classes or stick with the current mode of learning.

According to Director Sanchez, there were four main reasons as to why face-to-face classes would benefit the scholars; students were depressed, drained and did not focus solely on learning, students would have more interaction with their fellow peers, onsite classes would provide a better learning experience due to laboratory access and better guidance from the teachers, and improvement in academic performance, especially in student achievement.

On the other hand, the downsides of onsite classes were the low vaccination rate in the community, financial strains for the families, travel issues, and a drastic shift in the mode of learning since scholars have become used to online classes.

Director Sanchez stressed the importance of COVID-19 vaccination for a safe resumption of classes since only 57.1% of the parents’ responses stated that their child was fully vaccinated.

Out of the total PSHS-CRC population, it is required that the school should have a minimum of 85% immunization rate of the campus personnel and participating Grade 12 scholars.

After the initial briefing, CID chief Dr. Mary Ann Ganzon introduced the guidelines for face-to-face classes that were being stated under the Board of Trustees (BOT) Resolution No. 2021–11–131.

The guidelines were grouped into nine categories; curriculum implementation, health and safety, occupancy management, crowd management, communication and coordination, scenario plans, surveillance and referral, logistics and procurement, and lastly, monitoring and evaluation.

For regional scholars, special regulations will take place in the dormitories; only two students will be allotted for one room, and dormers won’t be allowed to go home during weekends to minimize the risk of contracting the virus.

All of the guidelines will be further approved and collaborated with the Local Government Unit (LGU), Barangay Health Emergency Response Team (BHERT), Local Health Office, Primary Care Facilities, COVID-19 Hospital Referral Command Center, and others.

