VIDEO GAMES becoming Professional Sport?

The Thought Collection
4 min readMay 26, 2024


The billion dollar industry could surpass the NHL and MLB soon

The Future of Gaming is Here

The world of gaming has evolved beyond entertainment. Companies like Twitch and FaZe have evolved it into a true sport.

Artificial/ Virtual reality

This final level is going to be just awesome as most of the people already aware with the technology we may able to see more dynamic games which can give you feel that this game is real or saying books turning into movies are technically turned into a game(volume of interaction) Just imagine entering a game, where you can interact with the characters and objects as if they actually existed.

Source: Grand View Research

AI came out of nowhere with the help of Chatbots. It was supposed to be the other way around, with the labor market AI takeover. In contrast, its the Arts and entertainment looking to be threatened. The next level is VR, and it can take you to awe-inspiring places such as the top of a mountain or into fantastical worlds where anything is possible.

AI and VR are incredibly good for improving storytelling and social interaction, but they have the power to blur the lines in entertainment forever. Consider building a virtual skyscraper with your friends, an undersea voyage in the pursuit of…



The Thought Collection

Former hacker turned digital investigator, uncovering hidden truths in religious texts and ancient symbols.